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College football 2021


at first I thought “wow, that’s a lot - I really misjudged how much was left in the bottle” now that I’m watching PSU blow up in the middle of another winnable game - I think I need to run and get another bottle

Best player on the field today? The PSU punter

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The countdown for the greatest college rivalry in sports has commenced:

Unis haven’t been released yet - for Army 2nd Infantry Division hasn’t been done yet … . .looking forward to whatever they are going to be…………

@ED3054 @Majorrich Today;s your team’s big day! Another great college football tradition! Do we have any Michigan fans to balance you two out? 😂 This might be the game of games - already a season of surprises and upsets. Virginia beat VA Tech yesterday to break a 15 year streak. I am only saying this because I’m a bitter PSU fan 😂

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Go Bucks. Going to Be a Great Game.
Darn it - I apologize - I knew you were a Bucks fan - didn’t mean to exclude you. Hope you have a great game!

and may there be a college football miracle where everyone loses and the polls decide that PSU really should be in the playoffs 😂 (one can dream)