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College football 2021

Florida Gators! Disappointed today against a great team, but we showed up and played. Hope to see and beat Bama in the SEC championship game, but even getting there is a tough road.

I’ve been a fan since my freshman year in 1975. The number of great players I have cheered for is amazing. Favorite game I attended was the National Championship game agains Oklahoma where I was lucky enough to have been invited to a skybox.

The SEC really takes college football to a different level.
My Giants got robbed! Plus they pulled a Plaxico and shot themselves in the foot a few times on Thursday night.



Good weekend for my teams - should let @CVargo know that Army ranks above Notre Dame as far as independents go - who cares if it is alphabetical at this stage in the season…………and only in Utah can you have a team (BYU) that is 3-0 overall, 2-0 @ home, and 0-0 away - they must not teach math in that state.

also because I most likely won’t get to say it later in the season- what’s the Big Deal about the SEC or Ohio State for that matter? We are…Penn State!

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What your favorite team is ?
University of Memphis Tigers

Why are you passionate for that team?
My daughter goes there.

Do you plan on seeing a game this year?
Maybe not. I'll try next year.

What is your prediction for this year?
I don't know college National Champs? Hey, they're ranked 34th 3 weeks in after starting the season unranked.
Lots of big time losses tonight: Oregon (#3), Arkansas (#8), Notre Dame (#9), Florida (#10)……and unfortunately Army
Yeah I thought Bama had a great game plan.

Gotta say though, Georgia looks SCARY!! :oops:
Georgia really manhandled Arkansas!

Penn State has their real first challenge next week against Iowa. So we’ll see if they are for real
And Cincinnati keeps low-key creeping up in the standings. No one’s talking much about them (that I’ve heard) but this may be the year they get into the playoff.