The Shaving Cadre

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cmh737 Straight Venture Journal Continued

Aww, bummer the kiddo had to see that! Our oldest dog is swiftly approaching terminal age. She’s still spry for now, due to the younger, but whatever happens, it’ll be the first time our boys will have to deal with something like that. Not looking forward it...
Sorry to hear about the life lesson your daughter experienced. Hard but nice she saw the need for the remaining one to have a companion. Hope she bonces back shortly.
Sorry to hear about losing the little guy. It’s never easy to lose a pet, and even harder to watch your kids go through it. Sending good vibes your way.
Thanks, Gents.
Saturday's shave:

A rainy, rainy, yucky day down here. So I decided to brightened things up and go another day with an Aventus "theme".

Razor: Merkur Progress w/Persona Red
Brush: TGN Boar
Soap: Vitos Sapone Per Barba Extra Super
Aftershave: Razo Rock The Freedberg
Frag: Creed Aventus EdP

First off, this Progress razor w/Persona Red is the perfect razor/blade combo for me. I dare say, this has become my favorite shaving implement; it could easily be my only razor, if push came to shove. Yep, I said it.

Secondly, I totally dig Vitos shaving soap. The scent is to die for. And the performance is a solid Tier 1 soap. Love it!

Thirdly, this little TGN boar is a fantastic brush! And we all know that a boar brush is "required" when using an Italian soft soap.

Fourthly, I had forgotten that I had this bottle of RR aftershave. It's probably the closest splash to Creed Aventus that I've used. Yep, closer than Fine or Stirling.

Lastly, finished off with the real deal Creed Aventus EdP. Feeling good and walkin' tall.

Home Front News:

(1) The new guinea pig is doing well. My daughter named her, "Coffee-Toffee". And the other one, "Lola", seems to be comforted and is enjoying the company.

(2) I'm about to head up to the bowling pro shop. My bowling ball had gotten a sizeable gash in it the last time I bowled, and the bowling alley gave me a voucher to have it repaired. So it's now resurfaced and looking forward to seeing how it does. BTW, have I mentioned that I've really gotten back into bowling? I've always done it since I was a kid, but never seriously. Well, at the beginning of this past summer, I decided it was high time that I got my own ball and shoes. Also, I've transitioned to the "two-handed" approach. If anyone follows the PBA, you'll know about Jason Belmonte. My game has drastically improved! As a matter of fact, I'll be getting a second ball on Monday to complement the one I have. My current one is best for dry lanes, whereas the new one will be for more getting through more oil. It's all fun stuff. And, I got my daughter her first bowling bowl - she loves it!
Nice shave and glad animals are getting along. Haven't bowled in years but still have my ball and shoes. Used to average about 165 with my best being 205.
Bummer about the pig. I’ve had some rodents that handle anything you through at them and others that are so fragile nothing you do keeps them going. My daughter found one of our rabbits dead a month ago and was pretty tore up about it. The thing was about 9 yrs old and lived outside. The thing should have died years ago...must be the powerlines.
Excellent shave and good news on the home front!
Thanks, Tim.

Chris be bowlin it up like...

That's an awesome vid clip!

Nice shave and glad animals are getting along. Haven't bowled in years but still have my ball and shoes. Used to average about 165 with my best being 205.
Thanks, Dave. Nice average. I sure could have used a different ball today. The lanes were oily and I wasn't getting much action on the back end at all today.

Bummer about the pig. I’ve had some rodents that handle anything you through at them and others that are so fragile nothing you do keeps them going. My daughter found one of our rabbits dead a month ago and was pretty tore up about it. The thing was about 9 yrs old and lived outside. The thing should have died years ago...must be the powerlines.
Thanks, Chris. Strange indeed.

Sounds like a busy weekend! Glad the new addition is fitting in well.
Thanks, Steve.
Sunday's shave:

The weather is crazy down here! It was in the upper 20's just days ago, and now it's 66 with a high expected to be in the low 70's. Crazy, I say! Well, what soap/frag to use today? I ended up going with this....

I totally dig the scent of Bath House Spanish Fig & Nutmeg! I do have the shaving soap in this scent, and it's an adequate performer, but this Wild West Private Reserve #1 is a scent that pairs well with it and is definitely a superior performing soap.

So 2 passes was all I needed for a very comfortable DFS. I went with a Persona Red in the Super Speed, and while this blade is perfect in the Merkur Progress, it's not the best blade for the SS. I usually use sharper blades with super speeds. But no matter, it still worked fine.

Finished up with the Spanish Fig & Nutmeg aftershave, EdT, and deo. Definitely diggin' this stuff!
Sorry Chris I fell behind. It is always hard when losing a pet, even the rodents. We had a hamster for awhile and wasn't really a fan, but the little thing grew on me and it was a sad day when it went.

Great shaves all around, and glad your daughter is doing better with the new guinea pig
We had two guinea pigs in the not too distant past. One day one of them didn't eat that much in the evening. Within a couple of hours, it was gone. The other one passed within like two days. Neither one of them acted sick at all, or even acted old. It was like they were perfectly fine one day, and then it was all over.
I suspect it's pretty common for their deaths to take people by surprise.
Nice shave Chris! We’re having similarly weird weather. In the 30’s and 40’s all week and today it’s supposed to go up to 65.
Roger that. And now it's supposed to start getting cold again later this week. Crazy!

Sorry Chris I fell behind. It is always hard when losing a pet, even the rodents. We had a hamster for awhile and wasn't really a fan, but the little thing grew on me and it was a sad day when it went.

Great shaves all around, and glad your daughter is doing better with the new guinea pig
Thanks, Chad.

We had two guinea pigs in the not too distant past. One day one of them didn't eat that much in the evening. Within a couple of hours, it was gone. The other one passed within like two days. Neither one of them acted sick at all, or even acted old. It was like they were perfectly fine one day, and then it was all over.
I suspect it's pretty common for their deaths to take people by surprise.
Interesting. I've been reading that it's not uncommon for them to just up and keel over. Very strange.

Hard to believe they live out in the wild blue yonder...
Roger that.
SR Shave #651:

Finally getting around to shaving - good grief, what a busy day.

At any rate, I decided to go with the Robert Williams that I re-worked on some coticules last night.

Result: Grade F

What an epic fail. And I really thought this was going to be a good edge. Looked great under the loupe, arm hair test was good, but the shave test proved otherwise. I only did about 2/3 of the initial pass and bailed out. Grabbed the Merkur 34 (w/Perma Sharp) for the rest of that pass, then two more for BBS. I'm being challenged with trying to get the edge right on this razor. It's downright frustrating. But no worries. I'm using my straights less and less, and am about to unload several of them.

The soap sure was great, though. Oh yeh! Another CBL soap, this time the "Rosa Bourbon". The scent of this one is definitely different than the rose oud. This Rosa Bourbon is basically a very concentrated, singular rose bud scent. I totally dig it! This is comparable to Eufros/Jabonman Rosa Bourbon. Well done, CBL!

Finished up with some Fine Snake Bite + Hoyt's Cologne. Man oh man, do I dig the Hoyt's! What a great pairing with the soap.

Darn it! At least you were able to salvage the shave.

Interesting patterning on that blade. Is the steel actually striated like that throughout?
Do you buy the Hoyt’s locally or online? I’ve always wanted to try it.