The Shaving Cadre

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cmh737 Straight Venture Journal Continued

Great shave today Chris! Santa Paula is coming up in rotation for me...this makes me look forward to it even more. Sounds like it was a good get away with the family!
Congrats on getting the razor back nice and sharp
Thanks, Gents. The Santa Paula is a great scent. The aftershave is dynamite, although the scent fades quickly. The soap scent is dynamite also, but the performance, for me is not quite "elite" status, but still very good.

BTW, today is Easter Sunday for us Eastern Orthodox (Christos Anesti!). Went to the midnight Divine Liturgy last night, so today, I'm taking the day off from shaving. However.....I did get a most excellent mail call from Eric (arrived yesterday)! I'll be posting photos later of the brush and razor he sent. I actually just finished honing the razor; and I decided to play it safe today and went all synthetic up through 20K. Tomorrow will be the day I see how the edge turned out.
cmh737 said:
Thanks, Gents. The Santa Paula is a great scent. The aftershave is dynamite, although the scent fades quickly. The soap scent is dynamite also, but the performance, for me is not quite "elite" status, but still very good.

BTW, today is Easter Sunday for us Eastern Orthodox (Christos Anesti!). Went to the midnight Divine Liturgy last night, so today, I'm taking the day off from shaving. However.....I did get a most excellent mail call from Eric (arrived yesterday)! I'll be posting photos later of the brush and razor he sent. I actually just finished honing the razor; and I decided to play it safe today and went all synthetic up through 20K. Tomorrow will be the day I see how the edge turned out.

Good Stuff Chris and Happy Easter to you and Yours
Good stuff Chris. Can't wait to see the pics. I spoke to Eric the other day and the work he put into that I'm sure it's stunning
Xenostr8shaver said:
Good Stuff Chris and Happy Easter to you and Yours
Cvargo said:
Good stuff Chris. Can't wait to see the pics. I spoke to Eric the other day and the work he put into that I'm sure it's stunning

Thanks, Dave and Chad.
SR Shave #575:

Okie Dokie, here we go. The newest additions to the den, courtesy of Eric (Smattayu):

Eric hit a grand slam home run with these beauts! He re-scaled my Torrey, and made me a new brush, with matching Padauk wood. I totally dig the color of this, and it looks even better in person vice this photo. Many thanks, Eric!!! A true craftsman indeed!

Now on to the shave.......

I decided to re-hone the Torrey before taking it on it's first ride with new shoes. I went all synth and no tape. I re-set the bevel with a few passes on my worn out Extra Fine DMT, then the Chosera 1K. Then it was Naniwa 3K/5K/8K/12K. Then finished on the Suehiro Gokumyo 20K, followed by normal stropping on my 3" Westholme Italian Horsehide strop.

Result: A+

Yes, yes, yes! I totally nailed this edge! As many of you know, my natural stone honing experiences have been wildly inconsistent, and more times than not, downright frustrating; but I've gotten consistently good edges with my synthetic hones. So why don't I just stick with the synth set up? Good question - I wish I had an answer - LOL!

The shave was quite enjoyable. I did just two passes for a totally irritation-free BBS(-). I actually almost stopped after one pass, but decided to enjoy some more Tabacness, and went for the second pass. This razor is perfect (for me). It's sharp, but feels like a coti edge; I think it's probably due to the quarter hollowness, but who knows. What I do know is that it provided for a stellar shave! Oh, and let me state, for the record, that the Suehiro Gokumyo 20K is a fabulous finishing hone. Most of the people that give this stone negative reviews, I believe are biased towards natural stones, plain and simple. I have no complaints whatsoever with this SG; I dig it.

The Tabac lather was dialed in perfectly, but I had to work for it a bit. This brush has a Tuxedo synthetic fan knot, and it took a while to pick up the lather and release it. I'm no stranger to the Tuxedo knot, but I have it in bulb, not fan; this is the first fan Tux that I've used. It's really a different beast altogether. The fan is quite dense and reminds me very much of my Ubersoft synths. It also has quite a bit of backbone and lends itself to some good scrubbiness. I try to choose my words carefully when describing brushes, and the tips do not have any scritch at all - it has very soft tips - I want to be clear on that point. But due to the density and shape, it creates a slightly scrubby feel, which can be a good thing. I'm very pleased with it. I look forward to using this with SV and MW to see if I can coax better performance with those challenging soaps at my house.

Finished up with Bootleggers Bay Rum - excellent!

Again, many thanks, Eric!!!
Outstanding shave today Chris! Glad to hear that you were able to get a great edge on the Torrey. The scales and brush that Eric did are awesome looking!!!
Nice matched pair you have there. And a 2 pass BBS? That's sweet!
What a stunning brush and re-scale. Good job on the honing. It's nice to get a positive result to reaffirm you know what to do, now that you know you know how to hone properly you can go to the natural stones with the confidence you can do it.
Eric's rescale and brush, just WOW!! Very Nice!


A+ edge after honing...Win!


Bootleggers WIN!

BBS- in too passes WIN!

Man you're going to get tired of all that WINNING!
Great Shave Today Chris, and congrats on getting the Mojo Back, lovely scales and brush
Many thanks, Gents!

Today's shave, however, wasn't as good as yesterday's....

SR Shave #576:

I did some more Ark honing yesterday. This time, I went with a Gold Dollar 66 that CBL graciously sent me.

Result: Grade D

"Meh". The edge is not sharp enough. I did 3 passes, but only a CCS to show for it. I grabbed the Merkur 34 for another pass to finish. I'm starting to to think that the surgical black is the culprit - either I'm doing something wrong, or the surface isn't "right" and is killing the edge. Hmmmmm.
Bummer on the Ark honing results Chris.

Was this a full Ark progression?

I don't have a Surgical Black so I can't really offer any advice, hopefully Dave E. will chime in.
Glad to see that your synthetic honing is going well. Too bad about the Ark though. That set that Eric did is a beauty.
Sounds like a stone issue rather than technique for sure, Chris. Might just be that particular stone doesn't have fine enough grit to be used as a finisher...or the surface isn't quite conditioned enough. Like Craig, I have no experience with Arks, so take that with a huge grain of salt.
I think that we should all plan a honing meet up sometime. You have the worst experience with natural stones than anyone I know Chris.