The Shaving Cadre

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cmh737 Straight Venture Journal Continued

Catching up Chris, glad the Ark is getting there. Get a trans-ark and you will be in heaven
Thanks, Gents!

One day, I hope to have the resources to purchase a trans Ark.

And yes Chad, you need to get some Wholly Kaw.
SR 571:

Alrighty a chance today to use the second razor that CBL honed for me - the little CVH MK No2. This one:

He also refitted this razor with bone scales that I had on a CVH No24 wedge that I had ruined. I think it looks much better now than it did with the original black scales. Nice job CBL!

So how was the edge? Magnificent! Another grand slamma jamma - simply outstanding. I don't know how he does it, but Chris L definitely has the touch. I did just a 2-passer and it was an effortless endeavor that resulted in a wonderful DFS(+)/BBS(-). And to think that I almost unloaded this razor! Thankfully, I didn't; and now this little sports car is firing on all cylinders. It's a keeper! Many thanks, CBL!

Had another great set up today as I went with Haslinger Schafmilch (w/tallow) and Fine American Blend aftershave and EdT. Fantastic on all accounts.

CVH MK No2//Rudy Vey Shavemac 2-band silvertip//Haslinger Schafmilch//Fine American Blend
Great write up Chris. I don't use Haslinger Schafmilch as much as I should considering how good a product it is.
Good stuff today Chris. I am hoping to order some Wholly Kaw this weekend.
BTW, forgot to ask Chris. I'm assuming that is the Fine American Barber EdP in the background. How does it compare to the YSL Rive Gauche for performance?
That was the plan, put it in some great looking scales and get it honed up so nice you wouldn’t want to let it go. ...can’t have you getting rid of the good ones.
Great shaves, reads, and pictures Chris!

Good job on the honing!

That Chris L did a great job on the rescale and I know what kind of edge he puts on a blade!
Thanks, Gents!

Josh: The Fine American Blend in the background is indeed the EdT and it's extremely close to the YSL Rive Gauche; so much so, that I don't think it worth the time looking for, nor money spent, on getting the YSL RG - that's just my opinion, but there ya have it. It's good stuff!
SR Shave #572:

Alrighty, today was time to test another Arkansas honed razor. This time, I went with the Hayashi Diamond 1000. Chosera 1K, then all Ark progression: soft, hard, surgical black.

Result: Grade C

I did 3 passes, and while comfortable enough, I suppose, it just wasn't sharp enough for me. I'd say the shave result was CCS(+)/DFS(-). I need to figure out how to get the keeness on this edge kicked up a notch. It's almost there, but not quite. As I'm about to head to work, I decided to grab a DE and do one more pass, and now I'm BBS(-).

The soap of choice today was Stirling "Executive Man", one of my favorites. The "Eric Custom" with Cashmere synthetic whipped up a fantastic lather. Finished up with Stirling Executive Man aftershave splash, then some Sampson's unscented balm, then Creed Aventus EdP.

No time for a photo today. And I'm working on getting caught up with everyone's journals; the pace in my world has been hectic of late, but I'll get there.

Also, I'm planning on doing some major "shave den inventory reduction" soon. I really want to simplify my shaving world a bit, so I'll be unloading several soaps, strops, and straight razors in the very near future.

Hope all is well with the Cadre!
Good shave today Chris. Looks like you have bitten by the spring cleaning bug.
Great entry Chris! Executive Man is one of my favorites as well, but SWMBO isn't a fan, so it stays out of the den.
cmh737 said:
Also, I'm planning on doing some major "shave den inventory reduction" soon. I really want to simplify my shaving world a bit, so I'll be unloading several soaps, strops, and straight razors in the very near future.

Do I hear our first BST entry being prepared?
Did someone say STROPS? I have two primary strops, both made by my hand, I can't help but think I need more leather. Then again, I like my custom jobs, something about having the width I want that makes me happy.

I was thinking about your honing issues and a light went on. I looked back on you tube and saw an old Dr Matt video where he found that circular pattern honing caused parallel scratches and other random patterns that often resulted in micro chipping and other micro edge issues. He has done a new video that describes the same issue with x-strokes, particularly when the razor is canted on the stone. When you get a chance check out his newer videos on x-strokes and how they might not be so easy to do, he mentions something called "the dreaded white line" ...maybe this is what has been happening with your coti honing.
At least you eventually got the result you wanted.

I can't wait to see what is going to be leaving your den. Some will probably make its way to Tennessee.