The Shaving Cadre

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cmh737 Straight Venture Journal Continued

no pressure on the ark, none, nada, nyet , more pressure = edge go bye bye. don't ask me how I know this, LOL. oh and BTW Mr. Holmes......what gives you don't love my journal anymore???? LOL
Greetings, Gents. I have not been posting much as of late due to being out of town so much - work, and now Spring Break. I find it difficult/aggravating typing anything longer than one sentence on my iPhone, but I do read up on everyone.....and that includes Dave - LOL!

BTW, just an opinion, FWIW: My preference, for the journals format, is that when one clicks on someone’s journal, that the most recent comment would appear first, rather than going to the journaler’s initial post page 1.

Whew - I need a nap now from all this iPhone typing!
cmh737 said:
Greetings, Gents. I have not been posting much as of late due to being out of town so much - work, and now Spring Break. I find it difficult/aggravating typing anything longer than one sentence on my iPhone, but I do read up on everyone.....and that includes Dave - LOL!

BTW, just an opinion, FWIW: My preference, for the journals format, is that when one clicks on someone’s journal, that the most recent comment would appear first, rather than going to the journaler’s initial post page 1.

Whew - I need a nap now from all this iPhone typing!
i have found that if I wait for the page to load completely before touching the screen it does take me to the first unread post
Yea usually the page needs to fully load. But I agree it is a bugger. We are trying to see how it can default to the newest post. Hope you are doing well.
We CAN make the whole forum such that the last post is first but can’t set individual sections. The forum platform support strongly advise against setting the last post first because you end up having to search down thread for context. It appears that the forum will automatically take you to the last post you viewed or at least the Bottom of the page that you last viewed...but when there are more pages the little page icon on the bottom right isn’t so obvious on smaller devises. ...I just wish I. Could figure out how to put a back button on the bottom of the page so I don’t have to scroll up to go back. As we learn the secret language of the internet people (HTML) we might be able to address some of these things.
Yep, I get it too once it fully loads. I wouldn’t want it to always start at the bottom. Then you’re having to search for where you left off.
Glad you could stop by. Hope things are going well for you even though it has been so busy.
SR Shave #573:

Back in town from a great Spring Break week down at the "Redneck Riviera". One thing that I didn't have time to do prior to leaving, was to post this pre-departure shave pic:

This is the Genco "Old Dutch" that CBL honed up for me, and it's just an awesome blade. This is a larger and heavier blade than the other Genco razors I have, and now that it is truly shave ready, it's an impressive blade indeed. (Again, many thanks, Chris L!) I did just two passes for a completely irritation-free DFS(+) which was perfect for the road.

The "Eric Custom" w/Cashmere synthetic knot whipped up a fantastic MdC Fougere lather. I totally dig the scent of this, even though it is quite subtle. This is an example of a subtle scented soap that I make an exception for and gladly have in the den. I've actually become more and more of an MdC fan the past year or so. It doesn't give my ole mug any trouble and no excessive post shave drying. And it'll last forever!

Finished up with Brut aftershave and Brut vintage EdC - marvelous!

I hope to have some downtime the next couple of days to get caught up with everyone.
Welcome back. Great shave. I will try some MdC one of these days. I know that per shave it is probably a great value, but that initial sticker shock is tough.
Outstanding, Chris! I have to agree about MdC...subtle scent but just right for that soap. Great performer, and I don't experience the drying either.
Welcome back. We have been back from spring break for a week...and I need another break. Hope you got a chance to unwind.
Quijote said:
Welcome back. Great shave. I will try some MdC one of these days. I know that per shave it is probably a great value, but that initial sticker shock is tough.

It actually is a great value, considering how long it will last.
Dagwoodz said:
Outstanding, Chris! I have to agree about MdC...subtle scent but just right for that soap. Great performer, and I don't experience the drying either.

Roger that, Josh.
Cvargo said:
Good stuff there Chris

Thanks, Chad.
CBLindsay said:
Welcome back. We have been back from spring break for a week...and I need another break. Hope you got a chance to unwind.

I did have a chance to unwind. My aunt and uncle (that live down there) had their grandkids (my cousin's kids) for the week as well, so they all had a blast together.
SR Shave #574

I actually shaved late last night, and just now able to post about it. Waiting for me upon my arrival back home was a razor that I had sent out. Derek, aka "paintflinger" from the other site, wanted me to check his honing, and offered to hone of my razors. So I sent him my CVH MK7, which has given me fits in terms of getting a good edge. Well, he nailed it. It's a JNAT edge, and really sharp. I did 3 passes for BBS. Yep. The dude can hone.

For the soap, I went with Mike's Orange, Cedarwood, and Black Pepper. My goodness, how I dig this soap! Love the scent, and the performance. Mike's is definitely one of my favorite retail soaps.

Finished up with CF Santa Paula aftershave - excellent.

Great stuff Chris. I was "that" close to pulling the trigger on CF Santa Paula soap and AS last night, but managed to stay my hand. I probably have one Mail Call per day coming from now until next Thursday, and didn't feel like adding to it lol.
Great couple of shaves and pictures Chris!

Glad to hear y'all had a great vacation!
Catching up Chris, and I know the feeling, not enough hours in the day. Great reads and photos sir