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cmh737 Straight Venture Journal Continued

Managed to do some catching up. Some fantastic shaves and pics the last few days, Chris. I still haven't pulled the trigger on a tub of Wholly Kaw, and I'm not sure why. The samples I've used are top tier all the way, and they have some wonderful scents.
I am struggling to keep up with my reading too! I think I am nearly caught up after expending my quota of 50 likes. (?) pulled the trigger today, but see another target lock coming.
Apparently the software limits like output to 50 per day. 8 have to ration out my love! ??
Great read Chris!

Bummer about the honing results. I'm sure you figure out the Arks or whatever progression you decide on.

Ether I've just been lucky or something but the Sharpton Pro's 1k, 5K, 8K, 12K and the Trans Ark is working so far for me. Yeah I know I probably just jinxed myself.

Just a thought too, the Surgical Black and Trans Arks are slow stones. Are you spending enough time on the finish stone?
CBLindsay said:
Did someone say STROPS? I have two primary strops, both made by my hand, I can't help but think I need more leather. Then again, I like my custom jobs, something about having the width I want that makes me happy.

I was thinking about your honing issues and a light went on. I looked back on you tube and saw an old Dr Matt video where he found that circular pattern honing caused parallel scratches and other random patterns that often resulted in micro chipping and other micro edge issues. He has done a new video that describes the same issue with x-strokes, particularly when the razor is canted on the stone. When you get a chance check out his newer videos on x-strokes and how they might not be so easy to do, he mentions something called "the dreaded white line" ...maybe this is what has been happening with your coti honing.

Strops - yepper, I've got too many.

And I went back and looked at those Dr. Matt vids you mention. I think that I have been guilty of rolling that edge parallel to the stone and getting the "dreaded white line"; and also, using way too much pressure.
clyde72 said:
Great read Chris!

Bummer about the honing results. I'm sure you figure out the Arks or whatever progression you decide on.

Ether I've just been lucky or something but the Sharpton Pro's 1k, 5K, 8K, 12K and the Trans Ark is working so far for me. Yeah I know I probably just jinxed myself.

Just a thought too, the Surgical Black and Trans Arks are slow stones. Are you spending enough time on the finish stone?

You've got a great set up, Craig. I'm perfectly content with my all synth line up, but have just been chasing the natural stone set ups. My synth set up, with uber sharp, consistency, is this: Chosera 1K, Naniwa 3K, 5K, 8K, 12K, and Suehiro Gokumyo 20K. I'll keep chasing the naturals, though.
BTW, I tried one of CBL's new creams, the "Williams" one. Quite interesting.
SR Shave #573:

Back in town, and after watching the Dr. Matt videos, I decided to try honing the Bengall full hollow again. I reset the bevel by giving a few laps on the DMT Extra Fine, then the Chosera 1K. Then progressed to the Naniwa 3K, then 5K, then 8K. Then went water only coti. Then finished on the Surgical Black Ark.

Result: Grade F

I did just one pass and stopped with this razor. The edge is unacceptable. The edge, under the loupe, looked spectacular. It shaved arm hair with ease, but the real shave was a bust. Somewhere, the edge just went AWOL. I'm perplexed on this one.

So I grabbed the FWE Special to finish up the shave. I had re-honed this one a few days ago. This one, after the 3K, I went all LV coti, dilucot, and actually got a pretty good edge. Did two passes and it was smooth and about DFS. So I'll give this edge a grade of "B". Did one more pass with the Merkur DE for BBS(-) finish.

The honing mystery continues.............
Sorry to hear about the honing fail on the Bengal, Chris...have to wonder where the poor results are coming from.
I had the same HORRIBLE results with the surgical ark...that’s why I don’t have it anymore. I heard somewhere that arks need more pressure but I don’t know what that really means.
Sorry you guys are having trouble with the Ark/Coti regiment, It has become my go to for me, the barbers, and my customers. As I said in my journals I have a very well respected honemeister stop by the shop, ( unknown to me ) and give em a big thumbs up for these edges and honing regiment Stick with it it will pop sooner or later.

Also Catching up Chris, Nice shaves overall
CBLindsay said:
I had the same HORRIBLE results with the surgical ark...that’s why I don’t have it anymore. I heard somewhere that arks need more pressure but I don’t know what that really means.

I disagree, I used very light pressure on my ark 1st with honing oil, then a dilution to water, then running water till it sticks
I use oil then water on a couple of my stones, it works great. As far as ark pressure or no, I defer to those who can use them for the proper answer.
Keep at it. You had some success with it. It will become more consistent.