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cmh737 Straight Venture Journal Continued

And another congrats due here. Way to go on your sobriety.
Nice job on the honing Chris, and an excellent set up. Happy Soberversary, my friend.
Catching up sir, Congrats on the Anniversary and nice photo and shave
Catching up Chris!

Bummer about the honing on the nats.

Great shaves, reads, and pictures!

on the sobriety anniversary!
Dagwoodz said:
.....I didn't see the note about the sobriety on first reading. Way to go! Quite an achievement, no matter how you look at it!

Quijote said:
First and foremost, congrats on the sobriety!

NurseDave said:
Congrats on 5 years

Cvargo said:
And another congrats due here. Way to go on your sobriety.

Majorrich said:
Great Soberversary! Glad you are having great success in your endeavors.

Smattayu said:
.....Happy Soberversary, my friend.

Xenostr8shaver said:
Catching up sir, Congrats on the Anniversary....

clyde72 said:
on the sobriety anniversary!

Many thanks, Gents! Although, I must confess, the last few months have been the most challenging to date. But I stay focused and determined.
Back in town, and just a quick recap of soaps used....

Friday morning: Mama Bear's Dublin Tweed (stick). Marvelous!
Saturday night: CBL Wolfman/Williams creams mix. Uber slick, and outstanding!
Sunday night: TOBS Sandalwood cream. Totally dig this scent!

SR Shave #579:

Alrighty then.....Today, I decided to use the CVH MK2 that CBL had honed for me. This is the second shave since getting it back, and it's just as excellent as the first. Did just two passes and some clean up and I was left with a wonderful DFS(+) overall, which could be practically BBS(-).

The soap today was Vitos, and man-oh-man, do I ever totally dig the scent of this! And the performance is top drawer - love it! The Zenith boar whipped up an excellent lather with no trouble at all. I'm liking this Zenith boar quite a bit.

Finished up with Fine Platinum aftershave, Sampson's unscented balm, and then Creed Aventus EdP. This is perfect for the cool weather here in the ATL today.

Nice shave. I have heard great things about those Zenith boars. If I end up buying another boar, it will be one of those.
Quijote said:
Nice shave. I have heard great things about those Zenith boars. If I end up buying another boar, it will be one of those.

Thanks, Don. I'm very impressed with the Zenith boar; you'd do well to have one.

NurseDave said:
Very nice pic there sir

Thanks, Dave.

Dagwoodz said:
Nice catch-up Chris, and good shave today!

Thanks, Josh.

Majorrich said:
Great catch up Chris!

Thanks, Rich.

clyde72 said:
Great read, shave, and picture Chris!

Thanks, Craig.
SR Shave #580:

Today was an excellent shave, on all counts. This was the set up:

My goodness, how I dig the scent of PannaCrema Nuavia Blu!!! Love it! While it isn't the slickest soap for me (with the water at my house), it's slick enough, and the scent alone makes up for any perceived deficiency in performance. I just totally dig the Blu - I can't say it enough. And the Rudy Vey Shavemac 2-band silvertip was its usual awesomeness.

The Ralf Aust provided an excellent shave. Did 3 passes for a wonderful BBS(-).

Finished up with some vintage Avon Spicy, then Sampson's unscented balm, then Creed Bois du Portugal EdP. To borrow Eric's phrase, this was "heel clicking" great!

BTW, this particular bottle of Avon Spicy was PIF'd to me from KJ about 3 or 4 years ago. It may have been the first PIF that I had ever received. This is excellent juice! Thanks again KJ!
Nice shave Chris, and today's pic is dynamite! Those scales make me want to start casting resin.
You guys with the colour themed pics are just too tough to stay up with!
Smattayu said:
Nice shave Chris, and today's pic is dynamite! Those scales make me want to start casting resin.

Thanks, Eric. Is resin more difficult to cast than wood? Or just "different"?

NurseDave said:
You guys with the colour themed pics are just too tough to stay up with!

Great shave today Chris...have to agree with the others on the Blu theme. Love it when you break out that Aust.