The Shaving Cadre

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cmh737 Straight Venture Journal Continued

Wholly Kaw definitely makes a freakishly great soap! That one I'm sure is no exception. Just not sure why you would want to muddy those scents with your Ghost Town Barber EdP.

GTB rocks!

Nice shave Chris. Have a good day !

Thanks, Dave.

Glad the shave was top notch. Great photo!

Thanks, Chris.

Great shave and pic. That is a great looking Aristocrat.

Thanks, Doug. I had the 'crat re-plated a couple years ago.

Great shave and picture Chris!

Thanks, Craig.

Awesome stuff Chris! Glad to hear that you're whittling down your list of ball parks to get to!

Thanks, Josh.
Thursday's shave:

I'm wrapping up my last day of rose scented shaves, and I went with my favorite rose scented soap (from a scent perspective), that can be purchased. This one........

Yes, the Eufros/Jabonman "Rosa Bourbon". I definitely dig the scent of this, no question. Prior to me getting some of CBL's Rose Oud soap, this was the benchmark for me in terms of rose scented soaps. It's been quite a while since I've used this Eufros, and there's not much left, but it does still smell amazing! But I have to be honest, I think I prefer CBL's Rose Oud over this one by a smidge. And in terms of performance, hands down, CBL's wins by a landslide, no question. As a matter of fact, in terms of performance, I don't recall ever rating this Eufros any higher than Tier 1, and today, I'd rate it lowest Tier 1, or even a high Tier 2. It's just....lacking, with the water at my house, for lack of a better word. It lathers easily (and the Tuxedo synthetic bulb is perfect with this soap), and is stable, but it doesn't offer the best protection. The slickness is acceptable, but not outstanding. However, post shave moisturizing is pretty good, but not the best either.

The scent is off-the-charts-awesome, but for me, I won't be buying this again once it's gone. The performance doesn't justify the premium price of this soap, IMHO. But my goodness, the scent.....yes please!

Finished up with some Fine Snake Bite + Witch Hazel, then Dunhill Icon EdP. I totally dig this Dunhill EdP with a rose scented soap - excellent combo.

Oh, BTW, the razor.....So, I had planned on using the Ever-Ready, but wouldn't you know it? When I went to get a blade for it, I discovered that I was out of them! Doh! I didn't feel like taking another photo, so in place of the SE, I grabbed the Merkur 34 (w/Gillette Rubie) to tackle the job. Two passes for a very nice DFS.
Is that a shovelhead? Too bad you didn't have any more blades left. The shovelhead is a monster razor.
Nice shave and glad you used a razor with an actual blade

Thanks, Dave. And I won't have that problem tomorrow, for sure!

Is that a shovelhead? Too bad you didn't have any more blades left. The shovelhead is a monster razor.

I do believe that's what they call that razor. But I'm not very knowledgeable about the SE's.

Chris ...I have enjoyed your journey of soaps with Rose colored glasses!

LOL - Thanks, Don.
Great stuff Chris! Rosa Bourbon is a wonderful scent, one of my favorites indeed! I'm still reticent to make a purchase directly from him because of the shipping cost, so I'm waiting for WCS to get it in stock and hopefully nab a tub.
SR Shave #627:

Outstanding! On every level!!

First off, it was time to break out the Tabac. This was long overdue, and I really should use this more often. Suffice to say, fantastic! The Omega 48 whipped up an exceptional lather; and for me, this is an "elite" soap. On Chad's scale, I rate it Elite/Box 1. It checks all the criteria for me - I dig it!

Secondly, the razor. I opted to re-hone the Hayashi Diamond 1000. Previously, I had given this an all ark progression, and while it was incredibly smooth, it just wasn't sharp enough. So I decided to do like I did with the FWE Special, and take the Hayashi to the little Les Lat coti, and add one layer of tape because there is so much spine wear on this old razor. Bingo!

Result: Grade A

Man oh man, this coti edge is dialed in perfectly right out of the gate. Did an effortless 2-passer that yielded a wonderful DFS. No complaints. This is the best edge I've had on this particular blade. It's amazing what such a diminutive stone can do for a razor.

And finally, the aftershave. This is some phenomenally good vintage Avon Spicy aftershave; and when I say "vintage", I'm talking 1964. How this happened to find its way to my house was quite the pleasant surprise. A while back somewhere, during a discussion of Avon aftershaves (can't recall the particulars), I had inquired if they were making aftershaves in 1964. Well, to make a long story short, low and behold, this bottle shows up at my house! Now, who would have given this unbelievably generous gift? You all know the answer.......KJ! Yepper! So a big shout out and even bigger thanks to KJ for PIFing me this dynamite juice! I totally dig it!!

Wow Chris this shave was clearly firing on all cylinders! What a way to start a friday!
Wow Chris this shave was clearly firing on all cylinders! What a way to start a friday!

Thanks, Chad. And I'm happy that I have now hit two razors in a row with a successful coti edge. No question that this little Les Lat is the one!
Great Coti hone job Chris. I might have to go through your journal to see how your Ark honing experiments have been going. Been away too long to hope to catch up with every post though.
Now, who would have given this unbelievably generous gift? You all know the answer.......KJ! Yepper! So a big shout out and even bigger thanks to KJ for PIFing me this dynamite juice!

You're most welcome. Embarrassingly, I almost don't even remember sending you that. I guess I give out too much stuff in PIFs, if I can't remember each one, huh?
Great Coti hone job Chris. I might have to go through your journal to see how your Ark honing experiments have been going. Been away too long to hope to catch up with every post though.

Thanks, Walt. And I haven't been able to get a sharp enough edge from a full ark progression. I've had a couple that shaved OK, and were unbelievably smoooooooth, but just not keen enough. I have, however, had great success with the black ark for finishing after a synth honing progression up thru 12K. I had settled on using synths and the black ark for finishing, but low and behold, the last two razors I re-honed with the coti turned out quite good. But keep in mind, I didn't do a bevel reset with the Chosera 1K, just coti slurry to water only.

You're most welcome. Embarrassingly, I almost don't even remember sending you that. I guess I give out too much stuff in PIFs, if I can't remember each one, huh?


Well done though KJ!

He done good!