The Shaving Cadre

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Bourbon Country Shave Journal - Dave in KY

"U" is for Urban Woods
Tuesday April 21, 2020
2020 Shave # 118 ( 533 Consecutive Shaves )
Razor: LUPO
Blade: Wizamet (2)
Brush: Cadre 2nd Anniversary
Soap: Urban Woods
Aftershave 1: Humphrey's Alcoholado Maravilla 70
Aftershave 2: Pinaud Clubman
Fragrance: PdP #63

Well I picked up this soap as I had been curious of the Taconic shave soaps and needed a U for the ABC shaves. Turns out it has a U in the name but as a soap (glycerin base) it is merely adequate. I know, big surprise. I used my Cadre brush again and am determined to beat it when I use it, until it loosens up the fibers to splays better. It's definitely set too deep but may come around as my Razorock 400 did eventually and was similar. Time will tell. It's still a cool looking brush I just wish it was ...................................GREEN. Just kidding 🤪 1st thing above adequate for the shave was the Lupo razor with the Wizamet blade which did it's stellar job as expected. Someone please explain to the Maryland guy, Fluffy that the ABC shaves originated for letters of our soaps and was expanded to get more involved and able to participate to include any way you can creatively include them in your shave whether at the beginning of the soap or in the soap name or yes EVEN if you use the letter from a............................wait for it.........................razor or whatever you can. Just have fun with it ;) Have a great day Cadre !! Even you HIGH standard guys like @Maryland998 😂😂
Great Shave Dave...even if the soap was just merely adequate! Man...a lot of people are using the Lupo lately! Seems to be a reasonably priced razor that everyone likes.
Eh, I’m with Fluffmeister on this one 🤣
Link to instructions with an excerpt pasted here and highlighted for the illiterate, I set low standards for myself so I can be an overachiever 😂 😂

The April Shave theme will be the "ABCs." And the TSC Artisan/Vendor will be @Mystic Water .

The way this works is that each day will be designated a letter of the alphabet and your shave will relate to it in some way. Be super creative if you want...some of the letters will require this of you. Or be very literal.

For one will be the letter "A." You may want to shave with an apple scented soap. Or maybe the soap name starts with an "A." Or the soap maker. Or the entire shave is oriented around the Letter "A." With the letter "G." Maybe you shave with a razor that was given to you by your Grandpa. Again...there are no wrong answers here.
"V" is for Saponificio Varesino Opuntia
Wednesday April 22, 2020
2020 Shave # 119 ( 534 Consecutive Shaves )
Razor: Blackland Vector
Blade: Feather SUPER Pro (2)
Brush: SV 2.0 Ziricote Wood
Soap: Saponificio Varesino Opuntia
Aftershave 1: Humphrey's Alcoholado Maravilla 70
Aftershave 2: Saponificio Varesino Opuntia
Fragrance: ???

"V" shave today is with SV Opuntia with the SV 2.0 Brush and Vector. The lather was ohhhh so good and I had plenty enough for a nice lather soak while cleaning things up. Yeah this was a NICE shave for sure.

Been awhile since using the Vector....................................BIG mistake. I garb it and start swiping and thinking to myself this feels pretty rough but I just switched it to a new Proline...................wonder if it got compromised is the thought as I just continue to shave and think it thru in my head..................I did switch the blade out didn't I or did I just intend to pull that SUPER Feather out next shave ? After the shave I pull the blade and get a new Proline out to compare and...........................Dang it, I meant to switch that Feather Super out but forgot. Rough feeling but close shave and immediately put my favorite blade back into the Vector so as to not redo this mistake again.

After the lather soak, some Humphrey's and the Opuntia Splash any remnants of the roughness of the shave were shoved out of my mind and I just have the smooth fresh and supple feeling of my face..........................hey no touching thru the computer screen man. This is my personal space man. Smell but no touching 🤪

Have a stupid fun day Cadre !!!!
I had a similar experience, except I sorted it out by removing some...stuff...from between the blade and base plate. It was a lot smoother after that. Stay stupidly hydrated, Dave!