The Shaving Cadre

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Bourbon Country Shave Journal - Dave in KY

Saturday January 18, 2020
2020 Shave # 19 ( 439 Consecutive Shaves )
Razor: Rex Envoy
Blade: Wizamet (2)
Brush: The Shaving Cadre Anniversary Brush
Soap: CBL Tonsorial Fresh Lime 3017 (19)
Aftershave 1: Humphrey's Alcoholado Maravilla
Aftershave 2: Stirling Deton-8
Fragrance: Viktor & Rolf Spice Bomb

Shave 19 on the 3017 of CBL Tonsorial Fresh Lime. More than double my best length I could last in a 3017 previously.........I can do this................I'm pretty sure.........................well relatively...........

The time I test drove the Ambassador has faded but I remember that it just wasn't for me. So going into the pass with the Envoy which has been compared to the Ambassador on 3 I was skeptical and thought it would be a 1 or 2 shaves and done (Not for me)..................Boy was I wrong. Shave 2 today and I find myself intrigued with it. Taking my time and paying attention to angle and I'm getting some smooth and AMAZING shaves. It's smooth enough that it invites you to chase even the tiniest of stubble if you find it on inspection after the shave. I fought that urge today and am extremely happy with the results. I'll get 1 more shave in Sunday morning and get this passed to the next on the list. Have a GREAT day Cadre !!!
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It's good that you gave this razor a fair chance and worked through any bias from the Ambassador. Sounds like a new razor might be in Dave's future!
Sunday January 19, 2020
2020 Shave # 20 ( 440 Consecutive Shaves )
Razor: Rex Envoy
Blade: Wizamet (3)
Brush: The Shaving Cadre Anniversary Brush
Soap: CBL Tonsorial Fresh Lime 3017 (20)
Aftershave 1: Humphrey's Alcoholado Maravilla
Aftershave 2: Nivea 2 into 1 Aftershave
Fragrance: Penhaligon's Endymion Cologne

Shave 20 with the 3017 of Fresh Lime and I'm enjoying the soap. I wouldn't say I'm tiring of it. Am I missing variety? Yes. Enough to end yet? No. While I miss variety, especially knowing all the great soaps languishing on the shelves, I don't wonder which soap I'm using the next day. It does seem redundant in the SOTD pics so I have dropped it from there recently. Any way, enjoying the soap. Onward and upward with that.

Rex Envoy razor: 3rd and final shave with it and I am impressed. I'd be interested in buying the pass around one at a good discount or find one on the BST down the road. It's a solid performer for me as a daily driver to share space with my 6s Plate 5. I appreciate Matt at Razor Emporium for the pass around and a chance to try it out. Will disinfect and pack it up to go out tomorrow in the mail.

Video uploaded to VLOG section with final thoughts on the razor. Have a great day Cadre !!
Excellence! I agree that the GC prices have me questioning higher priced purchases. A shame the Hawk didn’t work for me to the same effect.
Monday January 20, 2020
2020 Shave # 21 ( 441 Consecutive Shaves )
Razor: Game Changer .84 SB
Blade: Wizamet (4)
Brush: Stuart w/Maggards Synthetic Knot
Soap: CBL Tonsorial Fresh Lime 3017 (21)
Aftershave 1: Humphrey's Alcoholado Maravilla
Aftershave 2: Aqua Velva
Fragrance: Scuderia Ferrari Black

The Shave and random thoughts: After trying the Rex Envoy razor, enjoying it, I asked myself if I need it on the "to buy" list. 1st I wanted to revisit the .84 Game Changer SB plate to compare. I often used the OC and got good shaves but not always the most comfortable. The shave was an amazingly smooth shave as good as or even perhaps better than yesterdays with the Envoy which is more than double the price. This combined with the recent 3017 of CBL Tonsorial Fresh Lime had me do some soul searching and reflecting on my mindset lately with my shaving and chasing the latest and the greatest releases. I remember when I had 1 or 2 soaps, a single brush and razor........I would read about all the new things getting released and who was using what and talking it up and wishing I could get it and try it too. I wasn't in a position to and so enjoyed vicariously thru reading about others and was content to read about the experiences they described. 8 years went by and I was able to expand slightly my choices and I enjoyed getting to try some newer and better products. The last 2 years I've had more opportunity to buy and try more than I ever dreamed I would in this "hobby" and I've enjoyed the journey for sure. It wasn't without it's limits but the limits were pushed to a boundary that was WAY beyond my needs to accomplish the chore and even beyond my needs to truly enjoy the act of shaving. It was nice to experiment and find what I liked and what worked for me best. You get to a point though that you're accomplishing the shave and really enjoying it with what you have but feel compelled to keep seeking better when you already found better or maybe even the best but you feel the need to be sure the next isn't better. Sorry for the long rant. I'm there........................I'm at a happy place with my shaves and what I have to do them. I've enjoyed the journey and while it isn't done, it has slowed from the marathon run of acquiring things down to an enjoyable walk of using the nice things I'm blessed to have. My personality type is easy to fall into a hole and keep falling until I catch myself and try to force myself to reality and that, it's enough. Again, I'm there. Does that mean I won't make anymore purchases ? No, I'm sure I will. It will be at a MUCH slower pace though. To help me do that I will be limiting my involvement on the forum as well. It's been growing and that is GREAT. It has gotten to a point where we all see that we are falling behind in keeping up with reading all of it. I will still be posting my SOTD and no doubt a journal post as well, but will be posting elsewhere much less even though I will be lurking around and reading as much as I can about you all and how you're doing. I'm sure I owe ALL an apology for the jabs about skim reading because I will now become one of the "SKIM READERS". So I hereby apologize to ALL I said were skim reading. If I don't respond to a question or post, please don't see it as being rude, uninterested or that anything is wrong. I'm just making some adjustments to how I'm using my time and focus. Again I'll still be around but far less posting. Happy shaves and have a Stupid Fun Day Cadre !!
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Good post Dave. The cadre really has been growing and harder to keep up with. It's to the point that i often don't respond to something unless i feel i can really add to the conversation or i am specifically tagged in a question.

Personally i have always been terrible at skim reading. it generally only lasts for a few lines and then i get draw in to reading the whole thing. lol