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Bingo game #62 - Sumo Bingo

Here's a simple one.

"This wrestler" whose name contains 3 letters (only 3), lost today to another wrestler with a 3-letter name.
hakkeyoi (はっけよい)The phrase shouted by a sumo referee during a bout, specifically when the action has stalled and the wrestlers have reached a stand-off. It means, "Put some spirit into it!"
My calling has rubbed off on you....
According to what he said on the rules page , KJ said first there wouldn't be BUT then he kept rule 10 in that stated that on or around the 1 week marks there may be.. So...... I guess no And yes.....
Typical KJ......set the rules and break them within minutes. He's a rebel.
According to what he said on the rules page , KJ said first there wouldn't be BUT then he kept rule 10 in that stated that on or around the 1 week marks there may be.. So...... I guess no And yes.....
I think you need to read the entire rule, and not misquote me by omission. Everything I do is very deliberate.
I think you need to read the entire rule, and not misquote me by omission. Everything I do is very deliberate.

I did.... And i know you are VERY deliberate in the way you do stuff....

Sorry if I mis-quoted what you wrote...

No wrong intentions were meant !!!!

I will just stay quiet from now on and let you guys do what you do...
The top division in sumo is made up of 42 wrestlers. Its name, meaning "Inside the curtain", is named for the curtained-off waiting area once reserved for professional wrestlers during the basho.
Best I can tell I still need 7 good calls. The tournament might end before bingo!
All Rikishi strive for this. "More wins than losses for a wrestler in a tournament". This is eight wins for a sekitori with fifteen bouts in a tournament, and four wins for lower-ranked wrestlers with seven bouts in a tournament. Gaining kachi-koshi generally results in promotion.
The discussion held by the shimpan when the gyōji's decision for a bout is called into question. Technically, the term refers to the querying of the decision: the resulting discussion is a kyogi. Literally means, a "talk about things". On Day 10 this occurred during the bout between Abi and Takakeisho. The gyoji initially called it for Takakeisho, but after review the call was reversed and the win was awarded to Abi.