The Shaving Cadre

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Bingo game #62 - Sumo Bingo

So the gyoji still hasn’t handed down his decision, this is unusual.

Rule 8
Once you believe you have a bingo you must type "TSC BINGO" in this thread. The first person to call TSC BINGO wins the game (There are no ties)
Seems pretty clear.
I wanted to say congrats to @CVargo and it was a fun game @Spider .. I got frustrated but I still tried to play and look for calls .. I did learn some new terms but I still don't really understand sumo stuff , but , I may try ...... Thanks for the game....
Thanks everyone. I had a lot of fun. And KJ called a fun game. I'm curious though who had one and given up? Becuase it sure seems like he expected a winner a couple days ago
I for one am happy someone other than me won. No desire to run a game. I’m not nearly organized enough to run one. Go Chad!
Before I compressed calls:
1. Barber Dave -Monday
2. EMG06 - Monday
3. Major Rich -Tuesday
4. CVargo - Wednesday
5. Jaro1069 - Thursday