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Bingo game #62 - Sumo Bingo

Before I compressed calls:
1. Barber Dave -Monday
2. EMG06 - Monday
3. Major Rich -Tuesday
4. CVargo - Wednesday
5. Jaro1069 - Thursday
I had not checked since the Weekend, LOL Thats OK @CVargo needs to call a game... Get him off the couch... or in this case Bar Stool
I for one am happy someone other than me won. No desire to run a game. I’m not nearly organized enough to run one. Go Chad!
It’s far easier than you think. I give first timers a lot of help. You don’t need to call a complex game. Sometimes the easier the better.
Thanks everyone. I had a lot of fun. And KJ called a fun game. I'm curious though who had one and given up? Becuase it sure seems like he expected a winner a couple days ago
So I misinterpreted the pattern. I was waiting on a gold star “kinboshi” that I didn’t need. D’oh.

Thanks KJ. I did actually learn a lot about sumo. Made watching the basho more intelligible and I’m looking forward to the next one in September.

Congratulations Chad!
Well it looks 3 people before me were using PEDs and the Olympic committee disqualified them and I snuck in and swooped the gold.
I was on a boat....with no wifi. I played right up until I left. I'd like to know how close I was.