The Shaving Cadre

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Bingo Game #57 : Battleship x Bingo 2

If you can referee logic your way into another interpretation of my rules, give it a shot!

I’d be interested in seeing your mind at work here.
Bad example referees operate in black and white. Coaches operate in gray.
Alright here we go! FIRST

Friends Peace Testimony

with me acting as a moderator/referee rather than a caller.

I am not giving you a do-over if you mess up).
The above 3 statements clearly contradict each other, especially with the fact that someone abiding by the FPT should not be engaging in conflict, and by resolving conflict leaves one party in a situation where they are left unchosen therefore NOT resolving the conflict for said individual.
be a gentleman in all interactions.
You granting me the ability to re-make the call, led me to follow the forum rules, which is to not unnecessarily edit posts and thus would mean I am abusing my moderator status as I have unlimited editing window. So I did the gentlemanly thing and just created a new post
Calls must be Standard American Bingo Hall calls, consisting of the Letters: B, I, N, G, or O and their corresponding Numbers: 1-75 (Examples: B2, I18, N42, G55, O69). Numbers found without the corresponding letter are not valid calls.
This right here calls into question KJ's picture post, that call should not have been allowed as this clearly states calls must be traditional bingo hall format, not picture bingo.

Also to add that by you making a call when KJ didn't post a call, means you also violated the second posted quote here, which states you are NOT a caller.

So in conclusion as a certified White hat referee all fouls offset replay the down IE the calls.
Whew, this is more like it. The game was far too calm there for a while. :ROFLMAO:
And now it's time to watch some film to go adjudicate a Varsity basketball contest between two school separated by 3 miles. This should be fun!
WOW Do a drive by, Buy a guy some Snickers, and compliment a guy on his stature....... and I get hammerered.... ingrates So @heysi , no Snickers, off brand Mallomars, and @CVargo your mother dresses you funny:ROFLMAO:
So what has been called so far today or has anyone made a call?? Asking so I can make sure whats going on here.....