The Shaving Cadre

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Bingo Game #57 : Battleship x Bingo 2

Point Of Order, Mr. Black and White...... Go back to my picture call, hover your mouse over the picture, and tell me what you see!
I understand how to find the calls. But you still broke the rule, and he allowed your call...
I understand how to find the calls. But you still broke the rule, and he allowed your call...
Please tell me exactly how this call violates the rule below...
4. Calls must be Standard American Bingo Hall calls, consisting of the Letters: B, I, N, G, or O and their corresponding Numbers: 1-75 (Examples: B2, I18, N42, G55, O69). Numbers found without the corresponding letter are not valid calls.
Please tell me exactly how this call violates the rule below...
View attachment 125589
For the record between you and I.... I have no issue with your call. BUT as far as the bingo wizard is concerned who nullified my call, and after I presented an argument at his request that it should stand. The issue with the way his rule is written is, you clearly did not make your call I16 instead you added a hyphen, and it requires extra work by having to "hover" over the picture to see the call.

Yes I am grasping at straws.
as far as the bingo wizard is concerned who nullified my call
As far as I am concerned you didn’t make the new call within the editing window and that’s why your call didn’t count yesterday.

Yes, I understand as an owner your editing window is different from the typical user, and I applaud and salute you for not using your powers to go around the average user, a stand up move. 🫡🤝

and after I presented an argument at his request that it should stand.
I had actually typed out most of a response last night, but then decided that it looked petty and deleted it.

Happy to elaborate on my logic on any/all points you raised above for further analysis on the thread (apart from the KJ thing, that’s a red herring argument for you guys to continue to publicly sort out for our entertainment).
As far as I am concerned you didn’t make the new call within the editing window and that’s why your call didn’t count yesterday.

Yes, I understand as an owner your editing window is different from the typical user, and I applaud and salute you for not using your powers to go around the average user, a stand up move. 🫡🤝

I had actually typed out most of a response last night, but then decided that it looked petty and deleted it.

Happy to elaborate on my logic on any/all points you raised above for further analysis on the thread (apart from the KJ thing, that’s a red herring argument for you guys to continue to publicly sort out for our entertainment).
All in fun... all in fun! Just livening up the thread. The day I take any forum bingo overly serious is the day I check myself into the asylum in Gotham.
Don’t worry! I like the back and forth, and am not getting worked up. As KJ has pointed out many times, my games tend to pit players against players rather than the traditional players vs Wizard dynamic. Can be fun to interact with whining players sometimes!
drive by…………..

Chadsquatch needs ice cream for -10 pts for whining +10 to spider for being right free sidewalk Sunday or Bullit pop
Each cards current status:

001 - 6/9 hits; 8/16 misses
004 - 7/9 hits; 10/16 misses
013 - 4/9 hits; 10/16 misses
018 - 4/9 hits; 13/16 misses
026 - 4/9 hits; 5/17 misses
My takeaway is this....

001 - 14 shots landed
004 - 17 shots landed
013 - 14 shots landed
018 - 17 shots landed
026 - 9 shots landed

Why is everyone avoiding taking shots at card 026???
OK Time to talk some serious strategy. (Eric has been waiting for this)

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The locations of all the ships on cards 1, 4, 13, and 18 are known. But the low number of shots on card 026 has left 2 ships still in hiding. The vast majority of the calls in the open spaces on Card 026 are only on that card! Which is why they haven't been called. More bang for the buck to call a number that's on several cards. Made sense at the beginning. But continuing that strategy will certainly leave Card 026 as the victor.

If the rest of us have ANY chance of pulling a victory out, we have to band together and collectively aim our torpedoes toward card 026. If we do, Card 026 will certainly try to take us out 1 by 1, and a couple of us will go down in the process (that's inevitable anyway). But hopefully, we can take down 026 before he takes us all down. I fear it may be too late, but hopefully, this strategy was concocted just in the nick of time.

If you've been tracking the calls as I have, then certainly you have realized this by now. Let's join our Navies for one final hurrah, against a common foe, before we are wiped off the ocean surface and sent to Davy Jones's Locker for good!

No need to acknowledge this Communique, I will ascertain your acceptance of this strategy by your future actions.

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OK Time to talk some serious strategy. (Eric has been waiting for this)

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The locations of all the ships on cards 1, 4, 13, and 18 are known. But the low number of shots on card 026 has left 2 ships still in hiding. The vast majority of the calls in the open spaces on Card 026 are only on that card! Which is why they haven't been called. More bang for the buck to call a number that's on several cards. Made sense at the beginning. But continuing that strategy will certainly leave Card 026 as the victor.

If the rest of us have ANY chance of pulling a victory out, we have to band together and collectively aim our torpedoes toward card 026. If we do, Card 026 will certainly try to take us out 1 by 1, and a couple of us will go down in the process (that's inevitable anyway). But hopefully, we can take down 026 before he takes us all down. I fear it may be too late, but hopefully, this strategy was concocted just in the nick of time.

If you've been tracking the calls as I have, then certainly you have realized this by now. Let's join our Navies for one final hurrah, against a common foe, before we are wiped off the ocean surface and sent to Davy Jones's Locker for good!

No need to acknowledge this Communique, I will ascertain your acceptance of this strategy by your future actions.

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My takeaway is this....
KJ doesn't have card #26 :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: