The Shaving Cadre

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Bingo Game #57 : Battleship x Bingo 2

Ok 10 pm has come and gone with no call from KJ, so the random firing machine (the call list I made before the game) will take a shot for him.

The call is O-61
Two more ships are sunk today.

Ships sunk : 4/15
Ships afloat : 11/15

G56 - 1 hit & 1 miss
B12 - 0 hit & 3 miss
G59 - 1 hit & 1 miss
B2 - 0 hit & 2 miss
O61 - 0 hit & 1 miss
Good morning bingo players.

Time to post up your action for the day.
Will you take a shot?
Will you send out a ping to discover the location of your opponents’ vessels?

You have until 8pm Eastern to post in this thread.

Good luck today!
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