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Bingo Game #47-- YOU'RE A WIZARD HARRY !!!!

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I haven't seen all the movies. What's the spell for some friggin good calls?
You're going to need to mix up a Felix Felicis potion, which brings you luck, after drinking. Unfortunately, it takes about 6 months to brew.
Yeah, but with a static pattern, you know that and expect it. I somehow thought that having this pattern be good 4 ways, more of the card would be used.
I thought more of the board was used too....that's why I tried to give more than one way to get a winning pattern...
I was informed that if I say this " going forward all clear text calls will be in quotes " that should take care of future confusion concerning a single phrase like harry potter from being considered 2 calls by simply posting "harry potter " that would be a specific and couldn't be used also for "harry" , it could only be used for " harry potter ".. I would then also be able to continue play and use "harry " at a later date. Instead of the call being a 2 for 1... So I will try that....
Oh btw my calls are gonna be a little later than yesterday because my oldest is doing virtual this 2nd part of the year due to long term Covid effects and I'm trying to let him have full use of the internet right now for video classes..... I just wanted to jump on real quick and let you know......

BTW, @Scuttlesoap did you watch HP yet?
Man…. Those Slytherweenies always in a bad mood and pushy, but I guess with “you know who” aka TR,being reduced to talc, they have a bit of a “chip” on their shoulder…or is that a piece of Nagini?🤠🤠
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