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Bingo Game #38 - The Hunt for the White Whale

Ships log Day 7. Sunday, a day of rest. No calls today. See spoilers for how to solve the daily puzzles from the past week. If you’re still stuck, I’m always happy to just tell you the calls if you take the time to message me.


Day 1:
Look up flag semaphore code (Wikipedia has a nice chart). For the tides, think of the hands of a clock as positions of the flags and use the same semaphore code.

Day 2:
The Letters BIGO all occur in very specific locations. Count which letter in the message they are and you’ll have your code (e.g. B is the sixth letter so call is B6).

Day 3:
Caesar Shift Code with shift of 5. Latin line is a misquote of an opening sentence in a book Caesar wrote (De Bello Gallico), and instead of “All Gaul is divided into 3 parts” I wrote “All Gaul is divided into 5 parts” to try to point you to using a shift of 5 instead of a shift of 3 (which is more standard apparently). Also tried pointing you to a shift of 5 by using the V instead of 5 when reporting the number of calls.


Day 4:
Hidden text written in white.

Day 5:
Magic eye. If you can’t see these, the calls were: I26, B3, I20, G49, G53.

Day 6:
Each “ship name” is an anagram of the call. As an aid, I left capitalized the letters that start each word when the word is unjumbled. So BeniN = B Nine etc.


I expect one more week to go in this journey. We have made half the possible calls so far. Barring something unforeseen, the other half of the calls will all be made next week by Saturday. Next week you will begin your hunt for whales in earnest I hope and start to be able to pick or poach prizes!
Ship’s Log Day 8: We are finally arrived at the whaling grounds. Sighted an island with promise of fresh water and decided to send the whale boats out to navigate the reef system to get to the land. What a treacherous decision. Eventually found 5 safe passages, all charted below:






5 calls today, all posted.

Starbuck (aka Eric the Bingo Wizard)
Well, I got 1 hit....... but it's a hit that I got yesterday. One of yesterdays calls can be decoded 2 ways..... and apparently I decoded it the wrong way. So these maps just got me lost and I'm no better off than I was before I followed them!
Ok, a few people have reached out about one of the calls being a repeat from Saturday. I think the issue is the way that today’s call looks in maze form. Saturday the call ended in a “7” today the call ends in a “2”. Hope that doesn’t ruin anything for anybody and provides clarification for those who have been confused.
One of yesterdays calls can be decoded 2 ways..... and apparently I decoded it the wrong way.
Also KJ and I determined that there is only one correct “BINGO-75” way to decode the clues from Saturday so hopefully nobody gets worried about a bonus call.
Also KJ and I determined that there is only one correct “BINGO-75” way to decode the clues from Saturday so hopefully nobody gets worried about a bonus call.
In that case...I could win this thing today! Let me get back to you...
OK, yeah. I got confused with one of todays calls. There was no double decode, and the call today, was not the call from yesterday. So if you decoded one today that was from yesterday, you didn't decode today's correctly.....

Now that that's sorted out...... NO HITS TODAY!!!! Again, those "safe passages" got me no closer to the White Whale!
Second point. The “No Clues” is a watermark from the website that makes the mazes. You can pay $1 per maze to have it removed, but I didn’t. Sorry for all the confusion here. Trying a new kind of call and learning valuable lessons for the next person to use this sort of call.
So if you decoded one today that was from yesterday, you didn't decode today's correctly.....
Since there were no calls yesterday, this would be correct for any of them. Sorry, I had to because it's KJ 😀