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Bingo Game #38 - The Hunt for the White Whale

I'll choose:

#12.....and #1
Since I was first but I'll end up last.
Excellent choices!
“A soap for Custom suits,” The drone said.
So custom suit is bespoke, and a drone is a kind of a bee so “drone said” = bee spoke (2 definitions)
Westley Ryan Cummerbund’s secret soap
Fans of The Princess Bride will of course know that Westley wasn’t the original DPR, he inherited the title from a man named Ryan, but he wasn’t the original DPR either, he had inherited the title from a man named Cummerbund. So it’s their secret.
Excellent choices!

So custom suit is bespoke, and a drone is a kind of a bee so “drone said” = bee spoke (2 definitions)
View attachment 72831

Fans of The Princess Bride will of course know that Westley wasn’t the original DPR, he inherited the title from a man named Ryan, but he wasn’t the original DPR either, he had inherited the title from a man named Cummerbund. So it’s their secret.
View attachment 72832

Nice!!! Now, No one steal them from me.
Hmm… I figured the crosswords were just for the teaser and the winners would be let in on the soaps in order to pick. There’s still a couple I can’t figure out!
Question @EMG06 is there a limit to the number of times a white whale can be stolen? Does it ever get locked in, or is it unlimited?
Question @EMG06 is there a limit to the number of times a white whale can be stolen? Does it ever get locked in, or is it unlimited?
Good question! No, there is no limit to the number of times something can be taken from another player. So the last to win is the first in prize selection power (minus @heysi ’s locked-in choice of BEE-spoke).
Hmm… I figured the crosswords were just for the teaser and the winners would be let in on the soaps in order to pick. There’s still a couple I can’t figure out!
Oh no, they are all very real clues to very real prizes. You must choose based on the clue (or poach from a fellow player).