The Shaving Cadre

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Bingo Game 1 5/15/2018 WE ARE LIVE and PLAYING

Good morning my intrepid Bingo Mariners. Standby for 3 visions of utopia....... muahahahaha

Now that we have had some easy calls, and you folks have had the chance to dust off the cobwebs, shall we ramp it up a bit???????

See you Manana..hehe
Well, didn't even need to touch my pen today. Thanks........Dave.....
1/3 today, but at least it was in the X. That makes 2 plus the free space. Yay! Still weeks away from winning, however.

Zero in the X, 2 on the card, out of 3...... Agggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
Well that puts me at a whopping 2/9. Thank goodness they line up at least.

Another one for three day. And yup, you guessed it...still not in the X. And once again...I still can't win this thing tomorrow.
2/3 today, 3/9 overall. 0 in the x. At least he hasn't called any N numbers, those things are useless.

Yes, I am trying to be optimistic today.
Well.... That was kind of disappointing. But there will be more numbers tomorrow!