The Shaving Cadre

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Bingo Game 1 5/15/2018 WE ARE LIVE and PLAYING

Yay! My first number in the "X" ... I can win this ... in the next couple of weeks, maybe.
1/3.... but it doesn't count.

3/3 but only one counts. It's like a tease. A big friggin' TEASE DAVE!!!
1/3 out of X, like yesterday... Not gona complain, it's so easy, I'm too sleepy to be angry?
1/3 out of X, like yesterday... Not gona complain, it's so easy, I'm too sleepy to be angry

Sleep,......; Sleeep, you are getting drowsy....... sleeep and dream of bingo, muahahahahaha
Um, can we have a new caller? There’s no TensorGrip column on my card...


Seriously though...1/6 wth.

I will talk with one of the owners of the forum, to see if we can change him out............... Nope, hehehehehehe
3/3 WAHOO!!! I guess I have no choice but to wear my tiger striped underwear for the next few days!
3/3 WAHOO!!! I guess I have no choice but to wear my tiger striped underwear for the next few days!

...and only one in the "X" bwhahahahaha that is what you get for tiger stripes.

This game is really kicking the evil up a notch. Not only do we lament over not getting hits on our card..... but then even when they do hit our card, they STILL don't count. That's just cruel.

One for three today...out of the X...and I still can't win this thing tomorrow.
Sleep,......; Sleeep, you are getting drowsy....... sleeep and dream of bingo, muahahahahaha
Yep, it's past 11pm, hope I'll not be dreaming anything bingo related. OK, I won't try to provoke harder calls, today... See you tomorrow!
1/6. Not in the X. I'm not going to make any threats, but I will remember this.
Oh.... all the ammo for custom Titles. Keep it coming I have plenty of notebooks, HEHEHEHE
Why did I even waste the paper to print out a card????? 2 Days and ZERO, that is right I said ZERO on my card!!!