The Shaving Cadre

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Bingo Game 1 5/15/2018 WE ARE LIVE and PLAYING

0 for 3 today. Things aren't looking good Dave. I'm thinking of sending in the Rangers...

Oh wait, wrong rangers.
Happy Saturday Folks here are your numbers for the Day. Sorry no brain teasers..... We will save that for Sunday.. when I have time to be devious, LOL

Have a great day!

Well it's one for three for me today...and's not in the line of victory. And I still can't win this thing tomorrow!
I feel like this game isn't playing out very well. It's not going my way and I feel like sending in the atomic clown!

Good morning Bingonauts. Fate dealt a blow to your bingo game today......... I have some busy items at church and will not be able to be devious in the calls today. ( the audience does a collective "awwwwwwwww" ) however I may make up for it by calling tomorrows numbers after midnight tonight.......

Anyway hope you are having a good Sunday and here are the numbers, and enjoy hte rest of your day




1/3...but it was in the X. Stay of execution granted....for now. But I'm keeping my eye on you...

Hope the day, while busy, goes smoothly for you, Dave.
You're not devouis in calls, but in picking numbers, let's see, 4th day in a row 0/3 (and 2 numbers I have, out of X, so 0/18). Next time, I wanna pick my own card!!!