The Shaving Cadre

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Another Shaving Journal

  • CBL TabacaVeg
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • Schick G5 SE/Schick blade (#13)
  • WSP Tobacco
Final shave with this combo, as I put the last of the Tabacaveg in the My Special Blend 3 (MSB#). Mixed in with the top layer of Shannon's Lavender Lemongrass and WOW, what a great combined scent! I'll be loving that mixture in the distant future. :D
  • CBL TabacaVeg
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • Schick G5 SE/Schick blade (#13)
  • WSP Tobacco
Final shave with this combo, as I put the last of the Tabacaveg in the My Special Blend 3 (MSB#). Mixed in with the top layer of Shannon's Lavender Lemongrass and WOW, what a great combined scent! I'll be loving that mixture in the distant future. :D
The witnessing of greatness being born! MSB3!
  • LNHC Plaide Cloimhe
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • Schick G5 SE/Schick blade (#1)
  • WSP Tobacco
This was an excellent shave. LNHC soaps whip up a thick, creamy lather quickly, and they always satisfy. I was really enjoying the aroma when in crept an unexpected smell... whoa... is it possible?! It became unmistakeable, it was an undertone of cat urine. OMGoodness, this wasn't good! Then I turned to the left and spotted one of the family cats (Kayla, the Turkish Angoran) peeing in a litterbox not six feet away. Whew! In fairness to @LNHC, it was the best smelling cat urine ever. I'll save a full report on the soap's aroma for another day...

Nice Bruce! Congratulations!

I must say, since getting my Schick M, it’s been hard to put aside! Is the Schick the only razor in your den these days?
Nice Bruce! Congratulations!

I must say, since getting my Schick M, it’s been hard to put aside! Is the Schick the only razor in your den these days?
Chris, I have a '38 Sheraton (see BST), a '46-7 Aristocrat, a birth year/quarter C-1 Red Tip, and a '61 FatBoy. I've used the Schick sine 2/14/19. Next up in the lineup will probably be the Aristocrat.

So...what are you going to do when you grow up? 🤪
I'll be keeping the same job, but doors will open and I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for new opportunities. I'm due for a new challenge, though I mostly enjoy what I have now.

Oh, I miscounted yesterday. 11 days left now.
8 days and a wakeup, and school officially ends. Unofficially, I'm nearly done. Submitted today a paper due tomorrow, and have next Monday's written already. Need to post 3 comments over 2 days starting Tuesday, which means I will finish all graded work by Wednesday. It's nearly over.