The Shaving Cadre

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Another Shaving Journal

  • Shannon's Silk Pajamas
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • Schick G5 SE/Schick blade (#7)
  • WSP Gaelic Tweed
Great BBS shave this morning. Right now I'm basking in the intoxicating smells of Gaelic Tweed and Silk Pajamas. Upon further review, I believe @cmh737 is correct: Silk Pajamas is not a GIT scent; it is something different. Not sure what, but this soap and AS go very well together. Happy weekend, Cadre!
Another day, another great shave.

  • S Right now I'm basking in the intoxicating smells of Gaelic Tweed and Silk Pajamas. Upon further review, I believe @cmh737 is correct: Silk Pajamas is not a GIT scent; it is something different. Not sure what, but this soap and AS go very well together. Happy weekend, Cadre!
Shannon says:

"Silk Pajamas is one of the very few premixed fragrances I use in Shave. It's just a generic Tobacco Caramel type. As far as I am aware, it's not a dupe scent! I do love it though!" @cmh737

This won't be a one and done for me. I love Shannon's soaps; they're great performers with outstanding scents.
My brain is finally starting to relax now that I'm done with school - it's only taken a couple of weeks! After being aboard that steaming locomotive of an accelerated program for so long, planning each week of studies and writing, it's been hard to let go, but I'm coming along. And since every time I graduate college I get a school ring, here are photos of them. We all know it didn't happen unless there are pictures.

Bit of a gap between the two. Took me awhile to make up my mind.
Am I the only one who didn't know you're a nurse? 🤣
Probably not, Ben. ;)
Funny, I was thinking maybe you chose the size of the ring in proportion to the degree. But maybe it was related to the income level at the time. Friggin new grad jobs.
My income level has changed since the bachelor's, but that is because it was 32 years ago! The MSN does not come with an automatic pay raise. Rather, it gives me the opportunity to earn one, once I get a couple more boxes checked off. There is more that I must do. I'll get there.
Nice Bruce!

I actually like the understated nature of the older ring better. I always thought the jeweled rings were to gaudy, never got one.