The Shaving Cadre

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Another Shaving Journal

I love rose shaving soap. Used Mike's Rose & Cedarwood today. It's a subtler rose thn BRO, with a touch of cedar, which blends well. Mike's lathers easily, not as easily as CBL soaps (but then, what does?), using a wetter brush than with CBL. great cushion and glide, rinses easily, leaving a nice lubricated post shave feel. Mike's was the first soap vendor I tried six years ago, and it still pleases me. Good stuff.
Timor blade in a '38 Sheraton, Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF brush, and WSP Olympus completed my BBS shave.

If you can get your hand on a sample of This One's Pink by Ariana & might like that one. It's a rose forward but more subtle than others type of scent. I think Josh @Dagwoodz did a review of it not too long ago. It wasn't my thing so I sold it...but I am thinking I should have just given it to you!
If you can get your hand on a sample of This One's Pink by Ariana & might like that one. It's a rose forward but more subtle than others type of scent. I think Josh @Dagwoodz did a review of it not too long ago. It wasn't my thing so I sold it...but I am thinking I should have just given it to you!

Someone else took my address to send me some, but thank you.
Received these in the mail yesterday, courtesy of a very generous PIF from NurseDave. Thank you, Sir! Was expecting just the soap, so the AS was a very pleasant surprise.

Today's Shave:

The soap and AS pictured above
'38 Sheraton with Timor blade
Rudy Vey w/Muhle 22mm STF

The soap performed beautifully - strong in every category.
The AS is a milky splash, slight sting that quickly gives way to a soothing sensation. Absorbs quickly, and my skin feels soft and smooth. Excellent AS.

The scent, as best I can describe it, is a woody/spicy one with a touch of rose. I think this is a scent you'll either love it or not - probably no middle ground here. I love it, so all's good. Thank you, Dave!
Hey, good deal Bruce. Glad it’s a winner for you.
Very nice! That sounds like a scent I'd like, and the ingredient list on the AS looks outstanding.
Glad you like it Bruce! I think it is a bit more complex than other scents and I do believe you are's likely to be a polarizing scent!
Happy Thanksgiving, one and all! My shave today:
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle knot
  • Mike's Rose & Cedarwood
  • '38 Sheraton
  • Timor blade (#3)
  • Figaro splash
I like to keep things simple, changing products only when they run out. Very satisfying BBS.

Monday-Wednesday this week was eventful. I was hospitalized for an extensive neurological and medical workup. Background: the first week in September I was walking around with achy legs. My PCP stopped the Lipitor, but muscle damage was ongoing for a couple weeks afterward, making walking difficult. A neurologist recommended a cane, which helped for a few weeks. Walking became worse, and I fell a few times in my home. I now use a walker at home, and a wheelchair at work. The w/c arrived on election day, allowing me to vote; the walker a day or two later. Missed a month of work, running for medical appointments, labwork, MRI, etc. Still no answers.

I now know that I have a bulging lumbar disc that is blocking nerves to my legs. Considering the other neurological causes that were eventually ruled out, that is a blessing. I'm on a sabbatical from school for 4-10 weeks while I rehab and try to get upright again. It's become too much of a distraction to continue studies right now. The plan is for PT x1 month, then a surgical evaluation for possible discectomy. If I have surgery, I'll return to school in February; if not, then it'll be a week before Christmas. What a long, strange trip it's been!
Happy Thanksgiving Bruce!

Sorry to hear about the medical troubles. I hope PT improves things for you. Keep us up to date on how things are going!
That is an awful lot to go through! I do hope you’re past the worst and things continue to get better from here.
Happy Thanksgiving Bruce!

Sorry to hear about the medical troubles. I hope PT improves things for you. Keep us up to date on how things are going!

Praying for you. Hope the recovery is quick

That is an awful lot to go through! I do hope you’re past the worst and things continue to get better from here.

Thank you for all of the prayers and well wishes. I waited till there was a definitive diagnosis before bringing this up. It took a couple of months to pin it down. I was pursuing care through a major hospital in town, but lag time between appointments was frustrating. Seeing my PCP was a snap but specialists are a different matter. I made appointments in early October for a neurologist and for a nerve conduction study, which are set for mid-January and next week, respectively. Frustrated, I established care at the VA (where I work), saw my new PCP, and went through all testing last Friday and this Mon/Tues/Wed. After February, I'll be transitioning all medical care over to VA. It's much faster than the private sector around here.
Oh man. Hope everything gets figured out and healed as quickly as possible. Glad the VA can take care of you!
Oh man. Hope everything gets figured out and healed as quickly as possible. Glad the VA can take care of you!

I'm glad they can, too, KJ. It's figured out now, thank God. What lies ahead is intensive PT, which won't be fun, but it's important, so I'll give it my all. Then comes probable surgery. As you are well aware, these life interruptions are unforeseen, but must be dealt with directly.
Just caught up on your journal. Lot's of great shaves and gear to be found here! I like your consistent approach as well. I've been attempting the same thing and it's really helped to improve my technique.

Real bummer about the health issues, but I'm glad you're finally figuring out a solution. Hope it all pans out well for you!

Keep the great shaves coming!
Physical therapy can be demanding, but it is very important. Hope things go well and you have a quick recovery.

Just caught up on your journal. Lot's of great shaves and gear to be found here! I like your consistent approach as well. I've been attempting the same thing and it's really helped to improve my technique.

Real bummer about the health issues, but I'm glad you're finally figuring out a solution. Hope it all pans out well for you!

Keep the great shaves coming!

Thank you both for your well wishes. They are very much appreciated. ?

Steve, I like the simplicity of keeping things simple. Spares me from needing to make choices early in the morning! Perhaps the biggest benefit is this approach guarantees I will dial in the lather, razor, and blades, usually in a few days at most. Once done, I enjoy daily BBS or near-BBS shaves till something runs out and I change it. I have four razors ('38 Sheraton, birth year Red Tip, '61 Fat Boy, and '46/7 Aristocrat) which I rotate every several months. I tried to use all of them within a year, but didn't like switching them so often. For me, it's not so much about the gear as it is about the shave.

Enjoy your shaves, gentlemen!
So, with sales this weekend, and my penchant for shopping small businesses, I SAVED $$$ on products from CBL, WSP, and Maggard. I'm set till at least summer, I expect. ?