The Shaving Cadre

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Another Shaving Journal

So, with sales this weekend, and my penchant for shopping small businesses, I SAVED $$$ on products from CBL, WSP, and Maggard. I'm set till at least summer, I expect.
Sounds like you need to add to the “what are you anxiously awaiting thread”, or wait till the “what’s new to you” thread. Either way we want to know what you are getting!
I'm set for surgery this Friday. Microdiscectomy between lumbar discs 2&3. I was amazed they could get me in so fast. Just met with neurosurgeon this morning, had a flurry of tests, and a couple more tomorrow, and I'm good to go! I am so excited to get this over with, and begin to recover the full use of my legs.
Thank you, gentlemen. I'm looking forward to my surgical date. If nothing else, I'll get to see many folks with whom I worked 10 years ago.
Today's shave:

  • Mike's Rose & Cedarwood
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • '38 Sheraton w/ Timor (#5)
  • Figaro splash
Since I hadn't shaved yesterday, this was my most satisfying shave in quite awhile.

Had laminectomy lumbar 2 & 3 Friday, home yesterday. Narcotics are a godsend, but feeling better than yesterday. Will probably feel a little better each day. Already feeling the results of the freed up nerves, I'm stable when standing, and moving farther with the walker. Progress! ?
Glad to hear everything went well Bruce! Sounds like you’re already beginning to recover pretty well! Keep us updated!

I know what you mean about a shave being satisfying when you have to skip a day or two. It always feels better to get those longer whiskers cut down!

Happy you’re doing well!
Glad you're up on the better side of the whole process.
So happy to hear you are starting PT! That means everything is progressing well! Keeping you in my prayers Bruce!
Second PT session tomorrow. I can feel improvement daily. Pain level is quite low, negligible at times. Making progress. I'll know I'm back when I can stand at the sink and shave.