The Shaving Cadre

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Another Shaving Journal

Sounds like recovery is happening quickly. Great news!
PT usually sucks...but is necessary. Hoping all goes as planned for you...even better than planned.
  • CBL Cut Tobacco
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • '38 Sheraton w/ Timor (#6)
  • Figaro splash
Today's shave went well. My setup and routine are deliberately simple, and it works quite well for me.

I'm starting to think I may be able to return to work in another week or two without the wheelchair. It's realistic to think I'll be ready. Now that all my leg muscles are getting signals, they are responding rapidly. Still a ways to go, but I'm getting there. ?
Thank you gentlemen. I've walked short distances in the house today unassisted, and didn't even need to grab onto anything. 35 steps, stopped, turned around, and 35 steps back to the chair. It's a start. ?
Thank you gentlemen. I've walked short distances in the house today unassisted, and didn't even need to grab onto anything. 35 steps, stopped, turned around, and 35 steps back to the chair. It's a start.

This is awesome news! But take it easy Bruce. You know best, but I wouldn't even think about work quite yet. Continual prayers for you to get healthy quickly!
Thank you gentlemen. I'm stoked by my progress, it makes me want to run in circles and jump for joy! Of course, if I tried that, I'd find myself in an orthopedic ward. It's tricky tamping down my enthusiasm while gently pushing the envelope. I need to push myself, but not dangerously far. I'm getting there.
Thank you gentlemen. I'm stoked by my progress, it makes me want to run in circles and jump for joy! Of course, if I tried that, I'd find myself in an orthopedic ward. It's tricky tamping down my enthusiasm while gently pushing the envelope. I need to push myself, but not dangerously far. I'm getting there.
Do we need to get Willie to explain recovery steps for you?
Today's shave:

  • My Special Blend 2 (MSB2)
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • '38 Sheraton w/ Timor (#1)
  • Figaro splash

This is the soap. It contains, from bottom to top, Fine Green Vetiver, Soapy Science Doc's Special Blend, CBL TSC, CBL BRO, Mike's Rose & Cedarwood, CBL Cut Tobacco. Today's shave was a sweet blend of Cut Tobacco and Rose & Cedarwood. Very nice scent combo. There are copious amounts of Doc's Special Blend (peppermint), which I grew tired of, and TSC, which I set aside because of my eagerness to use Black Rose Oud. This is a very full tub which will take time to use up. Great lather is guaranteed. ?
Looks good! I approve of mixing soaps. Looks like that mix will have awesome lather!