The Shaving Cadre

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Another Shaving Journal

  • Hospital soap dispenser soap
  • Gillette Guard (1)
  • Lukewarm water splash
Not the best shave this morning. Slept in and had to run out the door. I used a razor I put in a drawer months ago for an emergency, which today certainly was. Got a little weeper on the upper lip, but otherwise a CCS. WTG/XTG only. Tomorrow's shave hopefully will be better.
What the hell what that?!!
The hand dispenser soap comes out foamy and thin, so I used two applications. Whiskers are gone, so I am presentable at least. The Gillette Guard is back in the desk drawer where I hope it remains for a very long time.
All done, no polyps, so no repeat for 5 years. :giggle: Eating real food again!

Awesome news!

  • Hospital soap dispenser soap
  • Gillette Guard (1)
  • Lukewarm water splash
Not the best shave this morning. Slept in and had to run out the door. I used a razor I put in a drawer months ago for an emergency, which today certainly was. Got a little weeper on the upper lip, but otherwise a CCS. WTG/XTG only. Tomorrow's shave hopefully will be better.

Was this a stunt shave?
Was this a stunt shave?
I guess so, but not by design. Exigent circumstances.
Why are you shaving at work?
@Dave in KY , I slept in and had no time to spare. Should have shaved last night, but other stuff took precedence. Second time I've shaved at work here. Actually, third time ever as a nurse. The first was years ago when I used a disposable DE and hand lotion. That may have been the worst shave I've ever experienced. The Gillette Guard worked nicely and would make a good travel option.
I guess so, but not by design. Exigent circumstances.

@Dave in KY , I slept in and had no time to spare. Should have shaved last night, but other stuff took precedence. Second time I've shaved at work here. Actually, third time ever as a nurse. The first was years ago when I used a disposable DE and hand lotion. That may have been the worst shave I've ever experienced. The Gillette Guard worked nicely and would make a good travel option.
Why are you alerting me when you're responding to that other Dave ? 🤪 😂😂