“The TSC’s Napping Beefcake”
Dang that’s a lot of Floid! Good job finishing it off.
I love CC Venture. It was fun to be a tester for it. It’s near the top of my b-day wishlist.
It is always impressive when someone finishes a product around here, let alone the huge Floid container!
Well, okaaay, just checked the prices on Creed Adventus. Not going to do it. Looks like I'll be reading the Creed Adventus thread in AS & Frags!
The Fine Accoutrements Platinum EdP would be a good shout for a similar frag at a fraction of the cost...$25 or so I believe.
Happy Fourth, everyone! Finished up course #4 Monday, am now knee deep in #5 of 12.
Had a great shave this morning: Fine Green Vetiver soap, Rudy Vey 22mm STF Muhle synthetic, '38 Sheraton, Crown SS on its fifth and final shave, CC Venture splash on. Excellent BBS shave, but could feel tugging on the upstroke on my chin, so the blade got tossed. Five shaves from Crown is good, as they are dirt cheap, but sharp.
Enjoying a fine documentary on AMC: Piranha, the apparently true story of a lakeside holiday weekend gone horribly wrong. Evidently before Christopher Lloyd took up acting he was a scientist breeding prehistoric Piranha at Lake Victoria when misfortune struck and they escaped. Many bikinied comely lasses are at risk, but the lakeside resort owner, a man of uncommon arrogance and hubris, does not seem to be concerned. I don't like his chances here.
Enjoying a fine documentary on AMC: Piranha, the apparently true story of a lakeside holiday weekend gone horribly wrong.
I caught a glimpse the other day of that tournament. I expected better. I’ve played about 4 times, and I pitch better than who I saw. These college teams looks like newbie players.I myself have in the background (not really watching) the ever suspenseful and competitive Cornhole Championship!