The Shaving Cadre

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Another Shaving Journal

Sounds like you should be proud too. Recovery is hard work, and it doesn't get easier as we get older.
Thanks, Larry.

Last year I rather suddenly, that is in a matter of weeks, lost use of my legs. I could neither stand nor walk. I did get pretty good at falling without being injured though. It turns out I needed back surgery to free up nerve bundles immediately off of my spinal cord. I had the surgery last December 7th, and have been rehabbing ever since. That's the back story. I went for 3 months wondering what the cause of my legs' weakness was, only learning just before Thanksgiving. Surgery followed soon thereafter, and I have been moving forward ever since. One of those unforeseen life events you just have to work through.
That had to be a scary three months. Very glad to hear that you’re continuing to improve.
That had to be a scary three months. Very glad to hear that you’re continuing to improve.
Thank you, Eric. It was nerve-wracking when undiagnosed. My wife, also a nurse, and I were fearing it might be MS, though we never uttered the words. It was almost as though if we never said it, it wouldn't come to be. Actually, I refuse to dwell on worst case scenarios when I don't know what is going on. As it turned out, I would have been worried over nothing. :)
  • My Special Blend #3 (MSB3)
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • Schick G5 SE/Barber (Personna) blade (#7)
  • DG Sweet Lemon
Razor dragged a bit going ATG after a week of use. Contemplating changing the blade for tomorrow. I find these blades simply do not last as long as Schick, but am frugal, so I'm torn between changing blades and eeking out another shave or two before pitching. The soap is an ever-dwindling ring, but I want to squeeze out a few shaves before setting it aside as the base for MSB4. It's getting to the point where it's becoming annoying working up enough lather, but not quite there yet. Seismic shifts in my shaving routine are coming. Oh, and the AS only has a couple of weeks left, so I'll be reeling from all of the changes. I'm getting a little nervous. ;)
  • My Special Blend #3 (MSB3)
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • Schick G5 SE/Barber (Personna) blade (#8)
  • DG Sweet Lemon
DFS. Final shave for this blade; too much touch-up required. The soap gets at least one more day. I want to leave room for plenty of other ingredients for MSB4.

Happy Pearl Harbor Day. I've been to Pearl. If in Hawaii go see the ship and its memorial. It's well worth your time.

At this hour one year ago I was facedown on an OR table having back surgery. I'm a long way down the road of recovery, but haven't reached the destination yet. I will get there, hopefully in the coming year. :giggle:

Enjoy your shaves, Cadre!
Keep up the hard work, Bruce. Hopefully you're healed up sooner than later. And good luck accepting all the coming changes to your routine. 🤪