The Shaving Cadre

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Another Shaving Journal

I emailed the company and they told me that no, they don't replate injectors, only Gunkote some. I want it to look new, like when first sold.
Same set-up, same results. :) The Fresh Vetiver splash continues to reveal itself to me. When applied, one by one the different scents waft up. The florals come first, followed by a richer, spicier aroma which lingers 3-4 hours for me. This splash is a keeper.
  • My Special Blend #3 (MSB3)
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • Schick G5 SE/Barber (Personna) blade (#4)
  • WSP Fresh Vetiver
I am loving this setup. The soap has melded into the most exotic "barbershop" scent, for lack of a better description. It's a rich, intoxicating aroma. Topped off with WSP's excellent splash, I am ready to tackle the day.

I'm off from work this week. We're having a dozen guests for Thanksgiving, so I'll be helping to get the house ready. Very much looking forward to Thursday. :giggle:
Just checked my email and found this:

"Hi Blackland Fans,

We are nearing the end of our pre-order wait! As described in our last update, a broken CNC machine caused significant production delays. Thankfully, production has resumed we are close to completing the fulfillment of all pre-orders. We have several Blackbirds complete and many of those pre-orders have shipped. Production will now switch to the Vector to wrap up those razors before coming back to finish the rest of the Blackbirds. We currently expect all pre-orders to be fulfilled in December."

Looks like I'm going to have a good Christmas. :p
  • My Special Blend #3 (MSB3)
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • Schick G5 SE/Barber (Personna) blade (#6)
  • DG Sweet Lemon
DG's Sweet Lemon is a true lemon flavor. It lasted for a couple of hours yesterday, which is longer than I remembered. Skin properties are perfect for me, on a par with WSP splashes. I have half a bottle left which I'll continue to use till empty.

Homefront news: preparations for Thanksgiving are nearly complete. We will have a total of 12-13 people, eating two turkeys totalling about 29 lbs. Should be enough for leftovers, one of my favorite parts of Thanksgiving dinner.

Enjoy your shaves, Cadre!
  • My Special Blend #3 (MSB3)
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • Schick G5 SE/Barber (Personna) blade (#7)
  • Sir Irisch Moos
Got AS in the mail yesterday and had to use it this morning. This is one of my favorite aromas, and its skin conditioning is superb. The house is ready and turkeys are cooking. We are ready to enjoy the holiday. Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving, Cadre!
  • My Special Blend #3 (MSB3)
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • Schick G5 SE/Barber (Personna) blade (#7)
  • Sir Irisch Moos
Got AS in the mail yesterday and had to use it this morning. This is one of my favorite aromas, and its skin conditioning is superb. The house is ready and turkeys are cooking. We are ready to enjoy the holiday. Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving, Cadre!
Happy Thanksgiving to you too Bruce! Have a great one with you and yours!