The Shaving Cadre

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Another Shaving Journal

Great shave, Bruce. I'm of a similar mindset. Saving money was a cool idea, but because I have to shave for work it makes sense to make it as pleasurable as possible. I love my shaves. I'm a little bored with my 3017, but otherwise it's an awesome hobby.

That’s why I do random kit on the weekends.
I'm a little bored with my 3017...
I've found that consistency is the key to me getting the best shaves day in, day out. Plus, if I use up a tub of soap or bottle of AS, there's room on the shelf and in the drawer for more stuff. Add in that I'm slightly OCD, and you can see that I have no choice but to go through things one at a time. ;)
Yep, some months I try desperately to keep from staring at too many extraneous goodies. Saving money is more an act of willpower and necessity in this game.
  • CBL Roasted Oatmeal Stout - Tonsorial
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • Schick G5 SE/Barber (Personna) blade (#1)
  • WSP Black Orchid
My first use of a CBL Tonsorial and with ROS. This is a delicious flavor. The tonsorial formula is a little thirstier than the standard one, but that's not to say this is a thirsty soap. Not by a long shot; this soap easily lathers into a rich, creamy lather. If there is a difference between the two, I can't tell. Post shave feel is great, nicely hydrated. Chris has got a winner here. (y)
Just a quiet night at home with my adult son, who is maturing daily before my eyes. My wife, Sheri, is in Vegas with her parents for her sister's wedding. She needs time with her family, especially her Dad, to whom she is particularly close. Spent late afternoon - early evening yesterday volunteering at a cancer community outreach center. I love that place, it does such good, important work. Walking in the door makes my day better. Saturday is the center's annual Halloween party, which is always a blast. A nurse friend from work and I will be operating a booth with treats, games, and hula hoops. The kids and their families totally enjoy the respite from their cancer battles, and I feel privileged to participate. It promises to be a memorable day.

Shaving is shaving. I love feeling how refreshed my skin is afterward. We are the lucky ones, Cadre, because we've flipped a chore into a luxurious experience. Those stuck with the chore of shaving have no clue what they're missing. With that in mind, I took the plunge and ordered a Vector. Being budget conscious, I ordered an unpolished one without the stand. Though I love my gear, the Vector's Sirens' Song was too beautiful for my inadequate defenses. I have an aversion to razors in pieces, but at least I'll only need to take it apart every couple of weeks, at which time I can thoroughly clean it. I love my G5, but cleaning is a chore, and I'm never satisfied I've done a complete job.

That's life in a nutshell, Cadre, except to add my legs' recovery continues to progress steadily, though slowly. I wish it would be faster, but it's not. For me, acceptance is the key.
Congrats on the Vector order!

Dad and maturing adult son at home while moms out playing? That doesn’t seem right! Guys night out!
Hope the Vector proves to be a good fit for you Bruce. Nice read
Thank you, Dave. What finally sold me, other than the reviews and opinions of numerous Cadre, was the size of the head. It reminds me of the Sensor's head, which allowed me to get those pesky whiskers around my nose. No idea when the razor will be shipped, but it may be awhile, judging by my being able to order one last week. We'll see.
I just want to say "Thank You" for giving your time at the Cancer Center. I am sure I don't have to tell you but you make a difference in other's lives. You may not know who or when...but you make a difference. Thank You!
I just want to say "Thank You" for giving your time at the Cancer Center. I am sure I don't have to tell you but you make a difference in other's lives. You may not know who or when...but you make a difference. Thank You!
Thank you, Don. "Our Clubhouse" is a special place, providing support and respite for all affected by cancer. When diagnosed with cancer, Gilda Radner noted she was now a member of an exclusive club she never wanted to join. Our Clubhouse was formerly the Pittsburgh chapter of Gilda's Club, but went their separate way several years ago.

I always loved Dad and Boy adventures! Still do, but now with a wife and new home, they are few and far between. *sigh*