The Shaving Cadre

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Another Shaving Journal

  • LNHC Ouzoud
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • Schick G5 SE/Barber (Personna) blade (#1)
  • WSP Black Orchid
The soap/AS combination continues to please. First use of the Barber blade, and it seems to be a winner. We'll see how it lasts compared to Schick. Enjoy your shaves, Cadre!
Been enjoying my G5 Schick injector nonstop since Valentine's Day. Out of boredom and curiosity, I went on Etsy to check out their injectors. Prices are going up, but the selection is certainly there. I took a close look at a couple of gold handled ones, a green handled one like mine, and a Paul Revere model. All very tempting. Then I asked myself, will a different injector improve my shaves? Since I am 100% satisfied with what I've got, do I need/want another? No, I need no other injector, and while I'll never know for certain if there is not a better razor out there, I'm not curious enough to chase that possibility. I closed the browser and went back to watching baseball.
  • LNHC Ouzoud
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • Schick G5 SE/Barber (Personna) blade (#12)
  • WSP Black Orchid
Missed a day shaving yesterday, so this was two-day's growth. Little bit of tugging on the heaviest parts, but BBS nonetheless.

While reading others' journals this morning, it occurred to me that though my original hook into this hobby was the promise of saving money, that no longer motivates me. I'm drawn to achieving the perfect, most comfortable shaving experience. I only use high end soaps now, so saving money has gone out the window, as most don't last very long. However, I am enjoying my shaves now, even look forward to them. Priceless.

Enjoy your shaves, Cadre!
Great shave, Bruce. I'm of a similar mindset. Saving money was a cool idea, but because I have to shave for work it makes sense to make it as pleasurable as possible. I love my shaves. I'm a little bored with my 3017, but otherwise it's an awesome hobby.