The Shaving Cadre

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Another Shaving Journal

MSB6 - Unscentarama Extraordinaire
RazoRock Bruce synthetic
Blackland Vector/Schick ProLine (2)
Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash

A gracious good morning to you all, Cadre. Today I am introducing my latest creation in my acclaimed My Special Blend series, MSB6 - Unscentarama Extraordinaire. Some call their blends “clown puke”, but some clown around here stole all my antiemetics, so he no longer pukes, evidently. Below is a photo taken before blending:
What you see is a partially blended product. Close inspection reveals the Arko stick remnants. MSB standards, long the envy of the industry, require gentle yet thorough blending. Once complete, the finished product will look like this, a homogeneous mixture of different Unscents that explodes with a bouquet of nasal-pleasing, subtle aromas:

Please NO snarky comments from jealous readers! This is a safe place, embracing the full diverse spectrum of otherwise disparate shavers. 😃IMG_0599.jpeg
The danger is real.
This is on the other side of the state. HOWEVER, SINCE BIGFOOT’S PRESENCE IS EVERY BIT AS LIKELY HERE AS THERE, I WILL BE ON GUARD. Please, do NOT show up unannounced. Just saying…
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MSB6 - Unscentarama Extraordinaire
RazoRock Bruce synthetic
Blackland Vector/Schick ProLine (3)
Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash

Again I shave Saturday morning, this time at 8:30. I need help. So far, so good on the BSA (Bigfoot Safety Alert). I’ve assembled weapons, saws, and a woodchipper. Little known fact: Fargo is my favorite Coen Bros movie.
Have a great day, Cadre. 🙂
Lots to do around the yard, but I’m not working outdoors this afternoon or any afternoon for the rest of the week because of high heat and humidity. Tomorrow morning I’ll get outside to continue with a project wood chipper that hasn’t been used in roughly a decade. Currently troubleshooting it. Have cleaned up the easy stuff, but must take off parts at this point to continue to clean it. Then I should be able to tell whether or not this sucker will start. Fun stuff actually, but I’ve got to pace myself, making progress slow. 🙂
No shave this morning, perhaps later. A random photo from 10 years ago popped up, so I thought I’d share it, because it’s pretty cool:
Obviously, this is Air Force One. If you look closely you’ll see President Obama waving to us on the beach. We were on Cape Cod, and he had been on Martha’s Vineyard, just off the coast. This gives me chills just thinking about it.
Unscented is a level and category of bougie that is above all. Because rather than covering up, you’re allowing people to smell your essence.😂😂😂