The Shaving Cadre

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Another Shaving Journal

  • Sudsy Soapery Unscented Tallow
  • RazoRock Bruce synthetic
  • Stirling Travel Bowl
  • Blackland Vector/Schick ProLine (11)
  • Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash
Excellent shave today. Smooth as silk. Today’s high temp is 18F/-8C. Cold, crunchy snow everywhere, overcast. My wife’s Wrangler has left deep tread marks on the driveway. It’s the vehicle of choice for this weather. Enjoy the weekend, Cadre!
  • Sudsy Soapery Unscented Tallow
  • RazoRock Bruce synthetic
  • Stirling Travel Bowl
  • Blackland Vector/Schick ProLine (12)
  • Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash
One+ days of freezing temps remain. I say plus because it’s supposed to start out cold and then get a bit above freezing tomorrow. The rest of the week is supposed to be warmer. Hope the weather guessers are right. Enjoy your Sunday, Cadre!
  • Sudsy Soapery Unscented Tallow
  • RazoRock Bruce synthetic
  • Stirling Travel Bowl
  • Blackland Vector/Schick ProLine (12)
  • Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash
One+ days of freezing temps remain. I say plus because it’s supposed to start out cold and then get a bit above freezing tomorrow. The rest of the week is supposed to be warmer. Hope the weather guessers are right. Enjoy your Sunday, Cadre!
Good stuff Bruce I am de-hoboized
  • Sudsy Soapery Unscented Tallow
  • RazoRock Bruce synthetic
  • Stirling Travel Bowl
  • Blackland Vector/Schick ProLine (13)
  • Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash
Late shave today. I’m having labs drawn early tomorrow morning, and I don’t want to make the time to shave then. It got above freezing today, and it looks to warm up a bit more tomorrow, but at the hour I’m venturing out it will be chilly at about 30F/-1C. Oh well, I need a fasting blood sugar and am not waiting for it to warm up in the afternoon. Good evening, Cadre.
Change of plans. Postponed lab work till Friday as it is drizzling a freezing rain now. I have no desire to walk on icy sidewalks and risk slipping and getting injured. That’s the bad news. The good news is that I’m enjoying a cup of coffee with breakfast now. 😊
  • Sudsy Soapery Unscented Tallow
  • RazoRock Bruce synthetic
  • Stirling Travel Bowl
  • Blackland Vector/Schick ProLine (14)
  • Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash
It’s warmed up considerably, with the current temperature of 507F/264C. The snow has disappeared from my driveway. Hmm, something about that temp has me wondering…. Oh,I see, it’s 50.7 or 51F and 26.4 or 26C. Never can be too sure with climate change nowadays! I was waiting for the AC to kick on. Playing phone tag with two physicians’ offices today. They’re it, so I’m waiting for a call back. Have a great day, Cadre!
Glad to hear the temperature is more to your liking, but you might want to recalibrate your F->C conversion calculator.
I’ll check. Come to think of it, 26C is pretty darned warm! Oopsy, let’s say 10C. Thanks for bringing us the improved weather from Bora Bora, or wherever. Tropical is tropical. ;)
  • Sudsy Soapery Unscented Tallow
  • RazoRock Bruce synthetic
  • Stirling Travel Bowl
  • Blackland Vector/Schick ProLine (15)
  • Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash
Forgot to post this earlier. Drizzly, 60F/16C today. Balmy weather this time of year. Be well, Cadre.
  • Sudsy Soapery Unscented Tallow
  • RazoRock Bruce synthetic
  • Stirling Travel Bowl
  • Blackland Vector/Schick ProLine (1)
  • Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash
It’s Super Shave Saturday. An afternoon shave, as befits the day for you weekenders. Fresh blade skimmed my skin’s surface, clearing out all stubble that stood in the way. Still well above freezing today, but it’s turning back into winter early next week. Such is life.

Go Lions!