The Shaving Cadre

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Another Shaving Journal

Arko Shaving Stick
RazoRock Bruce synthetic
Blackland Vector/Schick ProLine (10)
Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash

Quiet day on the home front. Sunny and temp’s going up to 62F/17C ( 59F/15C now). I could use more days like this. Have a great Friday, Cadre!
So it’s mid-afternoon this past Friday and my phone rings. Let me just pause and say that I never deliberately go looking for trouble, but sometimes it finds me. The phone informed me that one of my labs was
So it’s mid-afternoon this past Friday and my phone rings. Let me just pause and say that I never deliberately go looking for trouble, but sometimes it finds me. The phone informed me that one of my labs was
Holy crap. I was editing post got interrupted and it timed out on me. Aargh! Lost a lot of the post.

off and I should go to hospital and get checked. ER admits me. Docs gather and discuss a plan. 6:30 Saturday morning my heart goes into atrial flutter, throwing a monkey wrench into the plan. More docs gather and they all discuss a plan.
Sunday I’m given a blood transfusion, pepping me up for the SB, which I watch later in the privacy of my room. Nothing much happened yesterday.
Discharged home this morning. Lots of appointments to make.

So, how was your weekend?
Arko Shaving Stick
RazoRock Bruce synthetic
Blackland Vector/Schick ProLine (11) hospital raz
Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash

Forgot to document my weekend shaves. Shaved twice over the four days Sat-Tues using a hospital razor and shave gel. It actually was pretty OK. Did it achieve “Meh” status? Unsure, that’s a Canadian form of measurement that I don’t know much about.
Holy crap. I was editing post got interrupted and it timed out on me. Aargh! Lost a lot of the post.

off and I should go to hospital and get checked. ER admits me. Docs gather and discuss a plan. 6:30 Saturday morning my heart goes into atrial flutter, throwing a monkey wrench into the plan. More docs gather and they all discuss a plan.
Sunday I’m given a blood transfusion, pepping me up for the SB, which I watch later in the privacy of my room. Nothing much happened yesterday.
Discharged home this morning. Lots of appointments to make.

So, how was your weekend?
Bruce!!! Knock this crap off!
Arko Shaving Stick
RazoRock Bruce synthetic
Blackland Vector/Schick ProLine (12)
Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash

I keep experiencing “notus interruptus” this afternoon. This is my shave and I’m darned proud of it. The shave was faster than the note, for once.
Arko Shaving Stick
RazoRock Bruce synthetic
Blackland Vector/Schick ProLine (12)
Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash

I keep experiencing “notus interruptus” this afternoon. This is my shave and I’m darned proud of it. The shave was faster than the note, for once.