The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Another Shaving Journal

  • Sudsy Soapery's Unscented Tallow (29)
  • Maggard tuxedo 24mm synthetic
  • Stirling Travel Bowl
  • C-1 Red Tip Gillette/Gillette Silver Blue (5)
  • Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash
Tactical error this morning - should have waited till evening to shave for a morning appointment tomorrow. Oh well, it'll have to do. I refuse to shave in a rush, so I may or may not shave tomorrow morning, depending upon how I feel. Have a great day, Cadre! :)
I have seen through your resistance, as I remember you bought something I recommended. You are not immune, and as for Sam’s powers…..Meh!🤓
Yes, I am willing to try out Unscented soap and AS, or very faintly scented ones such as MWF and Nivea 2 in 1 splash, recommended by @NurseDave. I love the Sudsy Soapery Unscent in their soap, but HATE the container it comes in, which is far too small. The soap is a keeper: it's a very good value at about $15, and the richness, depth, and subtle layers of Unscent are amazing. Excellent stuff. I also love the Nivea 2 in 1: the scent is light, refreshing, and short-lived. Both the soap and AS will become regulars in my lineup. (y)
Today was a No Shave Friday. Didn't start out that way, but became so. Up at 6am for an 8:45am apptmt, a 9:am arteriogram, to be followed by a CT, at which point I got in my car and drove home, exhausted and content to let sleeping whiskers lie. The CT was a kind I've never had before. They hooked me up to a heart monitor and an IV contrast dye, and the CT snapped pictures timed to the heartbeat. Cardiac surgeons have all the cool toys. 😃
  • Sudsy Soapery's Unscented Tallow (30)
  • Maggard tuxedo 24mm synthetic
  • Stirling Travel Bowl
  • C-1 Red Tip Gillette/Gillette Silver Blue (6)
  • Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash
Happy Saturday, Cadre! Sunny and 68F/20C right now. Currently enjoying watching the Steelers beat the Ravens (of course). NFL Network is worth every penny.
  • Sudsy Soapery's Unscented Tallow (31)
  • Maggard tuxedo 24mm synthetic
  • Stirling Travel Bowl
  • C-1 Red Tip Gillette/Gillette Silver Blue (7)
  • Nivea 2 in 1 AS splash
Aahh Monday. Ten days till surgery, or in military parlance, 9 days and a wake-up. Thoughts of surgery crowd into my brain, unbidden or not. Only a little online homework left to do to prepare, and I feel ready, or as ready as I can be. Knowing what's in store for me, it will take all of my trust and faith to push that aside and simply be a cardiac patient, and not a nurse who knows too much. My job is to be the best, most cooperative, patient they have ever known.

Thoughts of surgery may spill over from time to time in the next 9 days. It is uppermost in my mind, and occupies nearly every waking thought. On the Zoom call last night, I was very gratified to receive expressions of goodwill from the Cadre. That's meaningful to me, folks. I shared word of the upcoming surgery, in part, to open up a dialogue so I could share my thoughts and feelings on the subject. Thank you, Cadre.
Another quiet day as we gear up for my surgery (7 and a wake-up), trying to take care of things while able. I've completed all the pre-op testing and online teaching (3-4 hours online), an am now in a holding pattern. The teaching was useful. Even though I've worked in the OR and open heart ICU, I've never experienced both as a patient. It sounds as though the stepdown after the ICU is going to be a lot of hard work. They work you hard postop, to the limits of your endurance, in order to prevent complications and to get you home ASAP. Sounds like a sensible plan to me. :)
Another quiet day as we gear up for my surgery (7 and a wake-up), trying to take care of things while able. I've completed all the pre-op testing and online teaching (3-4 hours online), an am now in a holding pattern. The teaching was useful. Even though I've worked in the OR and open heart ICU, I've never experienced both as a patient. It sounds as though the stepdown after the ICU is going to be a lot of hard work. They work you hard postop, to the limits of your endurance, in order to prevent complications and to get you home ASAP. Sounds like a sensible plan to me. :)
Sounds like the place/dr's doing your surgery are well organized and have a strong plan in place to maximize the opportunities for a very successful outcome. Add me to the list of folks who have wished you well.