The Shaving Cadre

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Another Shaving Journal

I shaved today. It was good.

So, I was channel surfing and found the Red Sox v. Oakland, Boston down 4-0. The inning ended 6-4 Boston. Timing is everything. (y)
I was channel surfing because I have absolutely nothing to do for school tonight. I hardly know what to do with myself. The week's work was turned in this morning, next week is a group project and my part is done, and I can't do anything for next week till tomorrow. This feels weird. School is so all-consuming I feel guilty if I'm not doing something for it.
Saved a pretty piece of change today. Bought two WSP splashes today: Mahogany and Black Amber Vanille. Cashed in WSP rewards for $6.47, and by frugally buying two bottles at once I saved $4.50 shipping = $10.97 saved. It's like they're paying me to use their products!
Saved a pretty piece of change today. Bought two WSP splashes today: Mahogany and Black Amber Vanille. Cashed in WSP rewards for $6.47, and by frugally buying two bottles at once I saved $4.50 shipping = $10.97 saved. It's like they're paying me to use their products!
I keep forgetting my points at Stirling. I need to order Ramblin Man set and some soap and use them.
Mine does too, but we pretend really well.
My wife and I have a tacit agreement : I don't question her "Diamond Dots" (google it, it's a thing) and she doesn't question my soaps and AS. We're approaching 33 years married, we know how to get along with one another. ;)
  • Chamber Roulette
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • Schick G5 SE/Schick blade (#6)
  • WSP Tobacco AS
Haven't used Tobacco in quite some time. I'm enjoying the scent right now: smells like a humidor stocked with the best cigars. It goes very well with the Roulette. Nice smooth BBS shave this morning. The Schick injector takes the fuss out of shaving. As KJ noted, it's almost too easy. I'll take easy every morning.

In other news... This is the final weekend of my current class. All that's left in this one is a team project, and my part is done. Nothing for me to do but wait for the others to finish their part this weekend, then review before submission. Then I'll have an HR course in recruiting and retention, and finish up with a 12 week project, which will be a big thing. Coming down the home stretch.

Back surgery recovery is humming along. My gait continues to improve: my strides are longer and more assured. Still using the cane outside of the home, as I'm occasionally a bit wobbly yet. Getting a little better day by day. Whenever I wish recovery would speed up I remind myself that my legs were out of commission for three months, and using a cane isn't that bad. Progress is being made.
Well now I know. And I’d need a magnifying glass to be able to see that!
I don't know how she does it, but her concentration and focus are extraordinary. She's also a nurse, and uses Diamond Dots as a relaxation device, much like some do with coloring. It's especially challenging with the kitten helping her!
Glad the recovery is continuing to progress!

Had never heard of Diamond Dotz, how many do you have hanging up around the house now? :unsure:
Glad the recovery is continuing to progress!

Had never heard of Diamond Dotz, how many do you have hanging up around the house now? :unsure:

Thank you, Chris. Maybe 10-12? Some are actually quite good looking. They would give me a blistering headache if I tried them.
Here are a couple of my wife's efforts. The glare on the one on the left is from windows across the room - sorry. What you cannot tell is the size of the individual "dots", they are 2mm or so, no more. They get picked up and then pressed down into the canvas with a small probe. Really meticulous work. The canvas has little numbers inside individual spaces, like paint by numbers.
  • Chamber Roulette
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • Schick G5 SE/Schick blade (#2)
  • WSP Black Amber Vanille AS
Still loving the G5, best shaves ever. I only use Schick blades, tried Supply and they tore me up, and I've learned my lesson. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Second day using Black Amber Vanille splash. It starts out strongly black licorice and vanilla scented, then settles into a comfortably rich grownup scent that is neither. That's the best way I can describe it. I like it, and my appreciation is growing.

As of this morning (actually, tomorrow morning) I have one more class and a 12 week project left to finish school. This morning I submitted the final week's team projects a day early, so it's all over except for the final grade. It'll be several days before that's in, I expect. My "team" this past class was a horror show: started with five members, one dropped out early. Four of us left, and another student and I did at least 80% of the work. Poor work ethic from the other two, though one stepped up and worked at the last minute. The other was basically incommunicado for the six week class. Honestly, I've never seen anything like it. They are in my rear view mirror now.
Man o man. The light at the end of the tunnel is in sight!