The Shaving Cadre

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Another Shaving Journal

  • QCS Queen Charlotte soap
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • Schick G5 SE/Schick blade (#2)
  • DG Harmony AS
Another great Schick shave. I am digging this injector! Really like the razor's construction - it is elegant in its simplicity. Schick lost something when they later covered up the moving parts, IMO. That was the style then, but I like to see the mechanism.
  • QCS Queen Charlotte soap
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • Schick G5 SE/Schick blade (#4)
  • DG Harmony AS
Another day, another shave. Today's was a little rough, but it was operator error. My lather could have been better, and I did too much buffing around the chin.

On another front: got excellent news today. My CT scan of about a week ago was clean, meaning I no longer need to get them. CT and labwork are definitive: the cancer germs are all gone after five years, meaning the surgery and chemo totally wiped out the appendix cancer. The five year all clear is the benchmark. I'll just see my oncologist and check labwork annually, Life is good!

How are you liking that Harmony Aftershave Bruce?

At first I wasn't sure. Initial impressions were of a pineapple scent, but it's more likely the mixture of scents, Regardless, that scent is fleeting, leaving a warm scent that is sorta herbaceous. Of course, skin toning and conditioning are fine. Maybe I'll review it in the coming days.
Holy crap Bruce that is excellent news!!!!

Boom! Bruce is a big time winner! Great news

SOoooooo good to here the news Bruce

Thank you, gentlemen. I've been confident about this for a couple of years now, but still, reaching this milestone is significant. It's like graduating from school - it feels like a new chapter is beginning, a fresh start. Hard to describe; it's still sinking in. Just saw the CT report yesterday morning.
Been awhile since I posted. School is keeping me very busy, and will for the next couple of weeks. To no one's surprise, here is my daily shave for the past couple of weeks:

  • QCS Queen Charlotte soap
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • Schick G5 SE/Schick blade (#11)
  • DG Harmony AS
Today and yesterday I climbed 40 steps at work (2 floors). I could have easily done more. Legs are definitely getting stronger. :)
Good work on the stairs. I used to work on the 6th floor. I started by taking a flight or two then hopping on the elevator. Eventually I could make it up all 6.
  • QCS Queen Charlotte soap
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • Schick G5 SE/Supply blade (#2)
  • DG Harmony AS
A better shave than yesterday, but that's a low bar. The Supply blades don't agree with me, or my razor. They're not getting a third chance. Already have a Schick blade loaded for the morning.

Played hooky from work today to finish a paper for school. Yesterday I worked on it for 9 or 10 hours, not sure which. Paper is done and submitted, and my brain is fried. It'll recover in time for work tomorrow. 🤪