The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Another Shaving Journal

For a minute I thought you had a signed run of soap lol, like a signed record...but then I realized it was your Special Blend ingredients.

All soaps excellent performers, giving me great lather. Looking forward to finishing the tub and moving on. Still undecided what I'll use next.

Nice shave and pic Bruce!

Thanks, Steve.
Just caught up on your journal Bruce! Good stuff all around! So...are you ready to run a 5K yet? Because it doesn't seem to be very far off! Keep up the great work on the recovery!
Just caught up on your journal Bruce! Good stuff all around! So...are you ready to run a 5K yet? Because it doesn't seem to be very far off! Keep up the great work on the recovery!

I'm pushing my step count up weekly: now I aim for 4000+ during the work week, and 1500+ on the weekends. I hit those goals pretty well, though I fell short yesterday by a couple hundred. I almost hit 5000 Friday, and did top that number this past Monday. Still using the cane for long distances and stairs. I feel stronger than before. Most days I feel pretty good, but every so often I'm a little wobbly; those days are the exception, thankfully.
Nice to hear about the progress. Always forward young man.
Nice to hear about the progress. Always forward young man.

Not so young any longer, Dave. When your age starts with a 6, all illusions of youth are shattered!

Bruce puttin the youngins to shame!

Thank you, Chris. Just taking it one step at a time, quite literally.

In other news...

School starts back up tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to it with some trepidation. It's going to be a hard journey. With 7 of 12 classes in the books, I remind myself that I'm more than halfway done. What's more, the final two courses, while challenging, will be more self-paced. Gone will be the frantic pace of the next three: my final nursing course and two electives. Well, enough whining. Have a great day, Cadre!
  • MSB2
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • Assured razor and blade (#1)
  • Which One is Pink? AS lotion/splash
A passable shave with some dubious equipment. Details in the Assured Razor Challenge thread. A word on the AS: normally I don't use lotions as AS, but this stuff I like. It's more liquid than a lotion, creamier than a traditional splash, but was just the ticket for today's shave. I had no irritation, the AS absorbed quickly and my skin feels great. Terrific rose scent 2.5 hours post-application. Good stuff. Thanks, ND!
Completed my third and FINAL shave with the Assured combo. Tomorrow it will face off against my FB, then Saturday against the Aristocrat, each with a virgin Assured blade. Same brush, soap, and AS as above.
  • MSB2
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • '61 FB w/ Assured (#1)
  • A&E Which One's Pink? AS lotion

A BBS shave. The Assured blade performed competently, though not comfortably. It's just not sharp enough. Minor irritation, no weepers.

Enjoy your shaves, Cadre!
  • MSB2
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • '46/7 Aristocrat w/ Assured (#1)
  • A&E Which One's Pink? AS lotion
Final day of using the coveted Assured blades. The Aristocrat has been my favorite razor for a few years now. BBS, no irritation or weepers. Excellent shave. Tomorrow, I'll use it with a Timor blade for shaving nirvana.

Results of the Assured/FB/'Crat Shave-Off are posted.