The Shaving Cadre

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Another Shaving Journal

I still can’t believe you used an Assured blade in your Aristocrat

Yeah I was thinking the same thing. It's a type of sacrilege to defile that razor with such a "satanic" blade! Bad things are afoot because Bruce has done something as unholy as this!
Yeah I was thinking the same thing. It's a type of sacrilege to defile that razor with such a "satanic" blade! Bad things are afoot because Bruce has done something as unholy as this!


In my mind, the Assured blade, when held firmly by expertly engineered and manufactured razors, proved itself adequate, though below my sharpness threshold. It's just an OK, below average blade, making the Assured razor the true villain here.

In my mind, the Assured blade, when held firmly by expertly engineered and manufactured razors, proved itself adequate, though below my sharpness threshold. It's just an OK, below average blade, making the Assured razor the true villain here.
Might not science require using a known good blade in the assured, or did you do that and I forgot ?
  • MSB2
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • '46/7 Aristocrat w/Timor (#3)
  • Which One is Pink? AS lotion/splash
First satisfying shave in six days. A solid razor with a sharp blade, what a concept. I think I have one more shave left with the soap - the doughnut's getting mighty thin. Enjoy your shaves, Cadre!
If the Assured razor is the villain, and you rate it higher than the Fatboy and the Aristocrat, then what does that make those razors???

While they may be better made, and yield superior shaves even with bad blades, they are not as shiny as the Assured. Appearance counts (I carefully avoid your use of reasoning and logic).
  • Which One's Pink? soap
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • '46/7 Aristocrat w/Timor (#4)
  • Which One's Pink? AS lotion/splash
Soap and AS courtesy of Dave, of the nursing persuasion. Great stuff, thanks Dave!
  • QCS Queen Charlotte soap
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • Schick G5 SE/Schick blade (#1)
  • DG Harmony AS
This was a great shave. My last puck of QCS - love the scent, and this hard puck lathers easily and very well. Rich, thick lather. First SE shave ever, and it was as advertised: quickly found the angle, and the blade was smooth and sharp. The razor's design is perfect. Three passes, rinse, AS, and I'm good to go. Very efficient, satisfying shave.
Nice shave and dialing in the Injectah right out of the gate
I found it easy, though the blade gap gave me pause. As KJ said, it's so easy, it's almost like cheating. I thoroughly enjoyed the shave.

And who said you can't teach an old dog new tricks!

Hope recovery is still productive!
Recovery has slowed, but it's progressing. I fully expected this to happen. Walking to the parking garage elevator this morning with the cane, I thought back to 10 weeks ago when I had to use a wheelchair to get to the office. I'm satisfied with the improvement. It's simply going to take time, that's all.
Nice shave Bruce! Glad to hear you’re still progressing with your recovery. You’ll be running laps around that parking garage before you know it.