The Shaving Cadre

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Another Shaving Journal

As long as it isn't in the Sheraton....

Hey man...Tim-or bust.
  • Shannon's Soaps Silk Pajamas
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • '61 FB w/ Timor (#7)
  • WSP Gaelic Tweed splash
Very satisfying BBS shave. Got the soap in the mail yesterday, loved the aroma, and just had to use it this morning. Great soap (see review in Soaps & Creams), with an Irish Tweed-like aroma. Paired it with Gaelic Tweed splash, and I'm good to go. Soap and AS complement each other nicely. Enjoy your shaves!

But did you wear silk pajamas while you shaved?

Good stuff Bruce. Have a great Saturday!
Great shave, Bruce. I have yet to smell a Green Irish Tweed clone that I don’t like.
  • MSB2
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • '61 FB w/ Timor (#3)
  • WSP Gaelic Tweed splash
Pleased with a near-BBS shave this morning.

In an earlier post, I mentioned that when I could walk the length of the hallway from my office to the bathroom without the cane it would be a milestone. Yesterday and today, and hopefully moving forward, I have reached that milestone, going even farther to the elevator. Not ready for longer journeys, yet.

In other news, two weeks from today I start back in school. Five classes, 30 weeks, left. I'm both eager and nervous to get at it.

Enjoy your shaves!
Congrats on the progress Bruce! You’ll be jogging to the bathroom in no time...hopefully just because you can and not because you have to ???
Oh man, that's close enough to start a weekly countdown!
Oh man, that's close enough to start a weekly countdown!

Once studies start back up, I'll get so involved in the week's assignments it'll be hard to look beyond it. Univ of Phoenix online keeps me very busy. There are tasks that must be completed each week. Lateness turning stuff in is forbidden.
  • MSB2
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • '61 FB w/ Timor (#5)
  • DG Trismegistus splash
Really enjoying this pairing of the FB and Timor. They seem to have been made to each other, yielding smooth, sharp, BBS or near-BBS daily shaves. I've always like the razor, and the blades, but do not recall them working so well together, or even the last time they were paired. Likely it has been years. Nearing the end of the Trismegistus splash, so I'll be faced with the dilemma of what to use next. Change upsets me.
  • MSB2
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • '61 FB w/ Timor (#7)
  • Pashana splash

The FB and Timor continue to perform well. MSB2 starting to run a bit low, but plenty left for another 2-3 weeks, I'd guess. Finishing up an old bottle of Pashana Original, a very fragrant splash. A nice finish to a BBS shave.
For a minute I thought you had a signed run of soap lol, like a signed record...but then I realized it was your Special Blend ingredients.

Good shave Bruce!