The Shaving Cadre

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Another Shaving Journal

Quite a soap mix there Bruce! I’ve started my own Frankensoap. Not nearly enough in it to fill a tub yet lol.

That's the beauty of saving remnants of other pucks: it takes months to build a full puck of the pieces, but when it's done, you have a puck of guaranteed quality. And since I am chronically "frugal", no soap is wasted. This puck's remnants will be the start of the MSB3. Which reminds me, at the bottom of this puck, alongside the Fine Green Vetiver, is a small piece of MSB1, which had about a dozen ingredients.

EDIT/CORRECTION: The first ingredient to MSB2 should be Fine Fresh Vetiver, not Green Vetiver.
Today's shave:
  • My Special Blend 2 (MSB2)
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • '38 Sheraton w/ Timor (#4)
  • Figaro splash

Here is the slightly used MSB2:

From the outside > in, CBL Cut Tobacco, Mike's Rose & Cedarwood, and the center white is mostly Soapy Science Doc's Special Blend/CBL TSC, with a little CBL BRO and Fine Fresh Vetiver mixed in. The center is just the tip of the iceberg, it is actually quite deep. When I reach the bottom, I'll push the side ring down and stir it around. I can't smell any peppermint as of yet, which suits me just fine. I was tired of it halfway through the puck. Of course, This will be my soap till there's just a sliver or two of it left.
Very cool Bruce! I have 3 or 4 soap remnants in my mixture so far, but they are all very small amounts. Maybe another 2 or 3 need to be added before I start using it.
Very cool Bruce! I have 3 or 4 soap remnants in my mixture so far, but they are all very small amounts. Maybe another 2 or 3 need to be added before I start using it.

I view it as a long term project. I have so many soaps right now, and I've been loving the CBL flavors so much, that I nearly overfilled the tub.

Today's shave:

  • My Special Blend 2 (MSB2)
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • '38 Sheraton w/ Timor (#5)
  • Figaro splash
I used up the last drops of the Figaro. I have a half dozen untouched splashes on the shelf. Leaning toward WSP Olympus, but we'll see how I feel tomorrow.

Have a great Saturday, gents!
Today's shave:
  • My Special Blend 2 (MSB2)
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • '38 Sheraton w/ Timor (#4)
  • Figaro splash

Here is the slightly used MSB2:

From the outside > in, CBL Cut Tobacco, Mike's Rose & Cedarwood, and the center white is mostly Soapy Science Doc's Special Blend/CBL TSC, with a little CBL BRO and Fine Fresh Vetiver mixed in. The center is just the tip of the iceberg, it is actually quite deep. When I reach the bottom, I'll push the side ring down and stir it around. I can't smell any peppermint as of yet, which suits me just fine. I was tired of it halfway through the puck. Of course, This will be my soap till there's just a sliver or two of it left.

Man Bruce, this soap looks so gross its almost beautiful. Its fun to make a "clown barf" frankensoap, and is a great way to use up soaps with scents you dont care for. It can either turn out as a beautiful scent or a disaster, although this scent combo sounds decent.
Man Bruce, this soap looks so gross its almost beautiful. Its fun to make a "clown barf" frankensoap, and is a great way to use up soaps with scents you dont care for. It can either turn out as a beautiful scent or a disaster, although this scent combo sounds decent.

Never heard it called that before. This is only my second one, born of my frugality. I've never had a bad scent yet, and the lather is outstanding.
Today's shave:
  • My Special Blend 2 (MSB2)
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • '38 Sheraton w/ Timor (#4)
  • Figaro splash

Here is the slightly used MSB2:

From the outside > in, CBL Cut Tobacco, Mike's Rose & Cedarwood, and the center white is mostly Soapy Science Doc's Special Blend/CBL TSC, with a little CBL BRO and Fine Fresh Vetiver mixed in. The center is just the tip of the iceberg, it is actually quite deep. When I reach the bottom, I'll push the side ring down and stir it around. I can't smell any peppermint as of yet, which suits me just fine. I was tired of it halfway through the puck. Of course, This will be my soap till there's just a sliver or two of it left.

Man Bruce, this soap looks so gross its almost beautiful. Its fun to make a "clown barf" frankensoap, and is a great way to use up soaps with scents you dont care for. It can either turn out as a beautiful scent or a disaster, although this scent combo sounds decent.
  • My Special Blend 2 (MSB2)
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • '38 Sheraton w/ Timor (#6)
  • DG Trismegistus splash
Very satisfying shave, and I'm absolutely loving this AS. It lasted 8-9 hours yesterday, so I'm looking forward to enjoying it today.

I'm walking much more confidently now, using the cane only for balance. It's really quite a relief to be on two feet again. I surprised myself by being able to walk up stairs this weekend, using the cane and handrail for minimal leverage. My legs are doing about 85-90% of the work, which was impossible just a couple of weeks ago. I started out just gauging how many steps I could do, but kept on going till I reached the second floor (13 steps). I really didn't expect that. Enjoying the progress.
Congrats on the improved mobility! Really good to hear it's going well.
Great news. Stairs is a big accomplishment for sure!
Thank you gentlemen. It's a treat to be back in my own bed.

WSP AS have impressive staying power.

Merry Christmas, or Happy Holidays, to all Cadre!
Today's shave:

  • My Special Blend 2 (MSB2)
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • '38 Sheraton w/ Timor (#6)
  • DG Trismegistus splash
I may start tossing the Timors after five shaves - today's shave took three passes plus touchup instead of the usual two. I have no use for reasonably useful blades; I only want sharp metal against my whiskers.

I'm actually contemplating switching razors for awhile. The problem is the one I want to use, '46/7 Aristocrat, is en route to Sport Shaving in Shreveport, LA replating. I'll report when it arrives and leaves there, so you can judge the turnaround time. Three or four years ago the Sheraton was in and out of Nick's hands in 24 days. I'm curious to see the turnaround time on this one.

Happy New Year, gentlemen!
Happy New Year Bruce! I’m still jealous of you guys that can get a great 2 pass shave! I mean, I guess I could too if I was able to resist the urge to chase lol.
Happy New Year Bruce! I’m still jealous of you guys that can get a great 2 pass shave! I mean, I guess I could too if I was able to resist the urge to chase lol.

It took time to get good at it. To be clear, that's two passes with touchup.

  • My Special Blend 2 (MSB2)
  • Rudy Vey 22mm Muhle STF
  • '38 Sheraton w/ Timor (#1)
  • DG Trismegistus splash
Same as yesterday, but with a new blade. Yesterday and today I caught a whiff of peppermint in MSB2, which is Soapy Science Doc's Special Blend. S Sci is good soap, but I'd grown tired of the peppermint scent. Here's hoping that MSB2 doesn't get too pepperminty for my taste. Whatever, I'll finish the soap as is.

The big news for today is that I stood and shaved for the first time since early November. My legs have been getting progressively stronger since my Pearl Harbor Day back surgery, and I wanted to begin the new year on a positive note. The seated walker is officially retired!

Here is the MSB2 tub, showing layers of soap scraps and remnants.
Good for you Bruce! Just don’t over do it, you don’t want to end up taking a step backwards during your recovery.

That special blend soap looks like a fancy Starbucks drink!???