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What Fragrance Did You Use Today?

Maria Candida Gentile - Barry Lyndon
Leather and fennel growing on the Mediterranean coast. This one has been a bit of a grower for me, at first the fennel/leather combo was a bit much, almost cloying, but as is the way with these things, over time, I enjoy it more and more. I think that's also part of why I cut way back on my purchasing. There are enough hidden gems in my cabinet now that I need to take time to discover and enjoy them more.

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Maria Candida Gentile - Kitrea
Sticking with Maria again today. Unlike yesterday's Barry Lyndon which was an acquired taste for me, this is simply one of the best marine scents out there, especially in somewhat cooler weather. Maria really likes fennel, and this uses it as well, but being a Marine scent has combined it with that typical sea air accord. In addition there's a honey note which is what makes this a cooler weather stand out. The honey gives just enough depth, and a touch of sweetness without being cloying or candy like, to let it cut through a cooler sunny autumn day.

Maria's other marine, Finisterre, is just as good. Very similar to this minus the honey note, so it is probably the overall champion. The only other marine in my collection that competes is Profumum Roma Acqua di Sale, which I'd rank as equally good, but costs a good bit more too. And of course there's Heeley's Sel Marin, but that's more Pacific Northwest coast, and has the house standard musky dry down that I have to ding a point for personally.

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Pierre Guillaume - La Nymphe & Le Poete
Very light and modern rose, I don't really get the listed notes, other than 'rose-tea'. It comes across as almost hairspray like. Which normally isn't my thing, but here I find like so many PG scents, it just works. A number of Tom Ford's also have a 'hairspray' quality to them in the opening, but I prefer Pierre's version, it's not trying as hard.
Always the house I turn to when I just want simple and unassuming.

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Heeley - Esprit du Tigre
Apparently this is inspired by Tigre Balm, but, thankfully, I don't really get any kind of 'vape-rub' vibe from this at all, just a rich elegant spices, bordering on barbershop.
TBH I'd also never have guessed it was a Heeley, as I don't get any of the usual house DNA in this one. Definitely one of there more love hate offerings, but for me it's a love.

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Maria Candida Gentile - Viridarium
Inspired by an ancient fresco of a noble person's villa garden, The Viridarium of Liva, found in the National Roman Museum.
Looking at the fresco, this sort of nails it. It feels a bit like the inner courtyard of a fancy spa hotel. Only this one has a private shower nestled right in the middle, with a bar of the lux version of ivory soap.
It's very fresh, but a kind of fresh I've not encountered, and I think that's what makes it very cool as well. It doesn't play to any of the standard fresh fragrance tropes, but manages to create it's own very subtlety uplifting tone.

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