The Shaving Cadre

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What Fragrance Did You Use Today?

Pierre Guillaume - Habanera
Smooth! Tobacco, rose, saffron leather. The saffron gives a special kind of creamy texture to the fragrance making it totally different than any other tobacco in my collection. They tend to be a bit rougher in vibe but not here, this almost feels as if it's behind glass in a climate controlled space.

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Mancera - Tonka Cola
Ok, some niche heads love to look down their noses at Mancera, but they are just missing out IMHO. Other's poopoo this for smelling like 'off brand' cola. They don't know what tonka smells like. This opens with a combo of gummy cola candy sweetness (one of the kinds I can't resist) and the medicinal aspects of tonka. As it dries down the medicinal drops away, and a spicy cinnamon kicks in. As that drops off, a very cozy amber like accord takes over for the rest of the 8+ hour wear. The whole while that gummy cola is lurking in the background adding that perfect cheerful amount of sweetness. Overall, this feels like a much more complex fragrance than the name suggests, and what most would expect from Mancera. I personally rate it way up there as a favorite scent, and when ever I'm in the mood for it, Iike today, I really relish the wearing. Enough so that I just dosed myself again before sitting down to write this and take a photo to post. It's the perfect adult cola, at least in my opinion.

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Diptyque - Eau Capital

Helena had a storewide 20% off coupon, so I thought I'd check out some Diptyque offerings. Of course, it turned out the coupon didn't apply, so I skipped buying anything. I did try Eau Capitale on skin. Interesting, and went to show that reviews rarely tell the whole story. Opening was the bright rose patchouli I was expecting, but the dry down is totally different. It's quite strange in that it reminds me of at least three fragrances. Beau de Jour's patchouli dry down, the 'old man' note of Villoresi Patchouli, and Pierre Guillaume Lune d'Eau which are all very distinct scents on their own. So yeah, kind of cool. Definitely a masculine dry down.