The Shaving Cadre

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What Fragrance Did You Use Today?

Word on the street is it's the pinnacle Gentleman's Rose.
I would agree with that. My favorite rose frag with Creed's Royal Mayfair right behind it. In fact, it was a toss-up between those two this morning. Think you'll really like it.
Etat Libre d'Orange Hermann.....
Rose, incense and rain. I've noticed over time I'm a bit more critical of a number of the ELdOs in my collection, all of which have a sort of sharp aldehydic soapiness that starts to just get grating after a while. Hermann is the most successful of the lot, keeping that soapiness to a minimum in the dry down, and as is often the case with ELdOs it has a beautiful opening. Rain and roses, and it's a really wonderful rain note. Truly unisex, in that it is just about the atmosphere created. Later I get a very clean church incense that I hadn't noticed before, and it's really quite good. Of course there's the soapy thing that comes in much later, but this has all day plus performance so it was in the evening that I started noticing it.

Sometimes I feel like the fragrances I have that don't last as long are the ones I enjoy most, and wonder if it's because to make them last means forcing some kind of extending elements in that don't fit, I feel here this would have gone from good to great if they just let it go after 8 hours instead of pushing that base again, though it's not that bad here.

ELdO Herman.jpeg
Dude you have that! I ordered a bottle after New Year, when I started getting back into Rose scents and they actually called to tell me it sold out over the Holidays, but is coming back. So I'm anxiously waiting for it.

How do you like it? Word on the street is it's the pinnacle Gentleman's Rose.
Get a sample of Czech & Speake's No.88. It's a nice rose-centric frag as well. A bit darker.. Dare I say "vampiric" in aspect.
Get a sample of Czech & Speake's No.88. It's a nice rose-centric frag as well. A bit darker.. Dare I say "vampiric" in aspect.
I'll probably just get it next time I see them have sale. The niche place I went to had it and it stood out to me on paper.
That sounds like it would be an incense bomb. 💣💥
TBH for me it's more about the pine. First couple of hours is pretty church like, then the service goes on a nature hike. Pine has to be done right, and with good ingredients, otherwise it smells like industrial cleaning products. This is the most natural smelling one I have, by a long shot. It's really good.
They have another Cardinal that's more straight up incense.
Francesca Bianchi - Sticky Fingers
I think this is my third full wearing, and it's shooting up in my great patchouli list. The name suits this, it's dark, and dank, but not musty. Instead there's a fabulous iris that gives that creamy sticky feeling. I'm finding it to be far more wearable (in public) than I first thought, and again it's the iris that classes it up, and gives it just enough of a modern twist.
Great stuff!

Francesca Bianchi Sticky Fingers.jpg