The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

What Fragrance Did You Use Today?

Something seems to be wrong with image uploading, I'm getting an image too big warning, even when I knock the image down to 483kb. Too bad, it's a beautiful macro shot, just imagine it folks.

Pierre Guillaume Papyrus de Ciane

Finally a house that understands the beauty of green fragrances! They have a number of them, and all have been great. This is a very wearable vegetal type green. Often to me they smell like the inside of a garage can full of lawn clippings on a hot summer day. But this is tamed and very wearable, a touch of soap, a touch of powder, like the masculine greens of yore, but there's nothing about this that says "Stuck in the 80's" it's throughly modern feeling, and like so many I've tried from this house, has that sort of chic feeling to it that makes even an old geezer like me feel a little bit cool.

My sample vial is almost drained, you guys know what that means....

Excellent! California, and my cultural life generally are both sprinkled liberally with place names that either remind me of a Zappa song, or where I was when I first heard a Zappa song.

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