Hiram Green - Arcadia
Superb all natural fougere. Gave this my first full wear from the bottle, with just a couple of good sprays, and had all day longevity out of it. No idea how Hiram’s scents have such longevity but they do.
What I really noted yeterday Is just the sheer quality of the scent, that hadn’t jumped out at me sampling. I’m always over analyzing when I sample and don’t always take the time to just enjoy the scent.
Well yesterday I just kept getting these whiffs, I didn’t even know it was me, and even commented once that someone smells good. It was me LOL.
From following some perfumers, I understand that making a fragrance can mean certain compromises, openings may suffer to make a great dry down for example.
Here, the one odd thing I get, and I think it’s the jasmine, is a sort of baby diaper note. I kind of like it, in context it works. It’s sort of fascinating how a great frag can have some many layers, that shouldn’t work, but do.
Anyway, this is really lovely stuff, and recommended for anyone looking for a more natural, and very well composed fougere.