The Shaving Cadre

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What are you anxiously waiting to be delivered ???

In fact he set up the whole Princess Bride theme and fave me some suggestions and guidance on the rest of the line up. Coming soon from the princess bride line is “as you wish” (a rose themed scent) and “fire swamp” (a dark fougere, wet earth / fire swamp themed scent). There are a couple others that are still in early development. A Dread Pirate themed scent and the Sicilian scent…a cherry almond scent reminiscent of Cella, are being worked on now.
This is awesome! And put me down for Fire Swamp, that sounds great. And what about something called "Only Mostly Dead". A darker themed scent, somehting akin to a soap from Southern Witchcrafts lineup.
This is awesome! And put me down for Fire Swamp, that sounds great. And what about something called "Only Mostly Dead". A darker themed scent, somehting akin to a soap from Southern Witchcrafts lineup.
FANTASTIC IDEA! I hope he makes a Miracle Max Elixir too!
This is awesome! And put me down for Fire Swamp, that sounds great. And what about something called "Only Mostly Dead". A darker themed scent, somehting akin to a soap from Southern Witchcrafts lineup.
I was thinking of something themed around the thieves forest/miracle max but haven’t nailed anything down. Only mostly dead is a great name. I’ll figure something out.
FANTASTIC IDEA! I hope he makes a Miracle Max Elixir too!
I do not need more soap, but this is intriguing...
I was thinking I would need some input on the scent, in addition to @Spider being an obvious choice (he gave me the SIM samples to work from) perhaps you could trade a sample tub for an opinion on the scent.
I was thinking I would need some input on the scent, in addition to @Spider being an obvious choice (he gave me the SIM samples to work from) perhaps you could trade a sample tub for an opinion on the scent.

Heck I still have a soap of yours I need to try as it is 😋
I was thinking of something themed around the thieves forest/miracle max but haven’t nailed anything down. Only mostly dead is a great name. I’ll figure something out.
I"m sure this isn't the best place to discuss it...... but my thoughts were something like a damp earth/ wet leaves type scent. Something fall-ish.
Floid Blue aftershave. I liked quite a lot the sample that a friend sent me, so I decided to invest in a whole bottle.